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Saturday, April 20, 2024

Little Goat passed away, Beau was excellent with his ground work

  • Did not get over to the barn untli after 3pm 
  • WAs meetinng up iwth Raychel later so I knew Ihad to get home quick.
  • Looked for a peach tree

  • e they are not in, my new glasses are inn and I love them, bought a new rotary sander
Beau was great today, special made me start to feel like we were connecting in the best way.
Beau. - So glad to see him today very loving
Took him in the arena, hes been in all day because of the rain in the morning

I grabbed his lead and halter, there was no chain on him thats becasue Patti brought him in.
I hate the chain, I gave all the horses snacks from th bags (all around, everyone)
Took him out of the stall, had the lead, let him run and roll
 He was so eager to do his exercises
he started walking backwards

As I was talkinng to patti, Beau got my attention to get with him, work on his excercies.
it was great, very loving.
Brought him out, walked past his stall, asked him to not BOLT into his stall and to be a good listener.
worked on his words, asking him to hoe and back up as we walked.
HE was delighted that we went in the grass and just grazed with 3 baby deer in the field
it was special
Then no other horses were in the paddocks so I thought Id ask him to go into the paddock ad do some of the stuff I love so much
first was continued to walk backwards, the condition of the paddock is still terrible, deep mud, huge puddle and just hard to walk but we were able to walk out to the middle and work out.
Then after doing lots of manuevers

I was going to try to do the workouts that Duke and I used to do, in the mares paddock, I began to walk quickly to the back of the paddock outside the fence, then called to him to come along and run the fence.
Usually Beau does not run iwth me.
Today was the beginningn he ran down (just like Duke used to)
I was beaming.
I ran to the end, then called him down, called out to stop, and he stopped everying time.

He was amazing

When I got there Patti was brushing out Dusty and helping Scotti get him a new halter because the other one was rotting on his nose and making it raw and looked almost bloody.
after seeing that beau wants to

took him inn hte arena, hes ok rolls, plays with cisco
Cats there are new cats they are adorable, 4 and they are really cute, black one, black with tux, dark tiger and a grayer tiger. 

Saturday weathre and activities

  • it was raining like pouring all night and all morning during the Green up day, we killed it at the clean up and then home to get over to the barn.
  • Because of the rain the horses are in when I walked in Beau was chiliin, I just imagine he wants to go in the arena but you know nont really.
    Last weekend sucked because the ATVs, those jerks make me kinda sick. I was out at Beaus paddock while the were muddinng.

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