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Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saturday it was suppose to rain - Hershey

I was up late doing my homework but I had no probs getting up in the moring for a saturday ride. Colleen said she needed a flu shot so we had to go at 10am instead of 9am. Thats ok because we were the only riders. Amanda took us out and get this . . . we left early.  We also did something I have never even heard of, we went around the lake twice.  Dam it was great.  Hershey was amazing.  He is such a great horse and a fabulous listener.  Hes big but he's my gentleman.  I was proud to be on him.  Colleen was happy with Jewel her fav.  She gave Colleen the sneaky canters that she loves.  Amanda talked to us the whole time. She's a nice kid. I was in the back and happy to just look around at the beauty of the ride.  Afterwards we stayed for a long time.Bobby talked to us we hung out taking lots of pics of the farm. Because it was suppose to rain and it even spinked on us during the ride. Bruno had gotten into some troubles with the cuckabuurs in his mane. I feel terrible.  The two gunea hens were eaten by coyotes and gizmo's tail got stepped on my of all horses, Domino.
Its healing but it tough. All the kitties are growing up fast and trying to catch more stuff besides crickets. The colors in the woods are changing gently mostly some yellows and it smelt of the leaves on the ground beginning to decompose.  I love how high the stream is from all the treanchal rains the night before. The trails were not too we to ride. Colleen enjoyed her trot up the hill that makes he feel like she is a pro rider.  I loved it too.
My man Hershey is so tall I have to be careful with the branches that they dont knock me off.  Good Times!

Two Rides Last week,Domino and Bruno Memorable Yeah!

Domino and Bruno Saturday and Sunday!
Last week was a dream come true. I rode Saturday on Dominoe and the on Sunday on the darling Bruno.  Dominoe was so fresh eating so much grass on the way that I was embarrased. I will have to find out who our guide was because I forgot already. Ahh. . . I remember now who was our guide it was Shelia's daughter.  She was great on the trail too. She told stories.  We talked and told stories about the horses.  About strawberry and Blue. Strawberry was at the end of the ride and there was a young woman on her.  Sheila's daughter said that stories about Blue and how he was mistakingly put in with the mares and became the farms ladies man.  The outcome was Blueberry, Mariya and another young horse.  funny story. There were 3D pictures taking on the trail and they came out great.  Hershey, My Friend was behind me and I was jealous I wasnt riding him but he rode perfect. His rider is a big fan now because of Hershey's gentlemanly ride.  He's a great listener and a perfect trail ride.
On Sunday afternoon with Colleen  it was the big ride with tons of people again. Sheila broke up the ride so that we could have groups of riders.  Amanda and Sheila were the guides on Sunday and Amanda took directon  She gave the first group ahead of us the opp to start trotting and then we waited an went after they got going.  The girl Sarah was in front. She is a young woman and she does great its hard to believe that . I rode Bruno and he was a great ride. Colleen was on Andy and she was beaming with delight about it.  She had been waiting for the summer to get a chance and Sheila picked him out for her.  It was great. I was wondering why Bruno was favoring his left front huff. I always worry about those sweet horses and what they go through with huffs, and wet foot and achey backs and tired of riding.  Anyway I am just making the notes because I know last week I was also bustin my but in school and made time to get my new kitty.  He's been here a week and hes a real sweet boy. Ill put more up on the ride later plus some pics of Bruno, Hershey and Domino.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crazy Sunday, No more late rides - Duke

Great ride today.  Duke and Smokey. Smokey was whiney and Duke was a great gentleman. Everytime Smokey gave the stink eye I pulled back on Duke and he was a great listener.  I like him.  Sheila said taking a ride with your friend today, something about a fast ride.  Its a nice comment for my friend Duke. He was a good listener after all.
 There were many riders and many guides today.  88 riders Brenda said. I was going to cancel the ride because I was so far behind in school.  I thought Id be up all night but after the ride things went smooth in my assignment. Duke is a great horse.  Hes big and tough but hes a good listener.  I think that horses are so patient.  I admire them for their great behavior.  This weekend Bobby said he accidently ran over Maggie's foot.  He was pretty upset.  Next week Id like to back the brownies for the whole group.  So Im definenatly going Saturday morning.  9am for a ride.  I cant wait.  Duke was great oh yeah they had a 4pm ride that was full and a 5pm ride that was full.  late hard working day for all of the horses and the guides.
This morning I went for textures this morning at deCordova, I cant wait to go again. I cant wait to see the pictures.  Next week maybe get 3D images with all the animals.  I cant wait. Im going to try and get a new pic of my buddy Duke.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back in the saddle, Colleen, Jewel, Smokey and I

Just a quick note on today's ride. I was Colleen's first time back riding again after her fall a few weeks ago.
We went later in the day and on a Sunday during a holiday weekend. Boy was it hot today. Too many riders for me. All inexperienced, I know Colleen and I are so spoiled from 9am and trots. This was a walk only and poor Smokey was sweatin. There were 14 riders plus guides and it was a Sunday. Bobby was very happy. The horses all wanted to eat grass. Oreo and Blue were the freshest. They kept taking the the riders into the woods and note listening. Hershey was in front of us for a while and our guide would sneak in riding Chippy for a while to help with the horses who were acting up.
Smokey got into it at the very end. He got right over and started eating low grass. Colleen laughed as he wouldnt get back in line. The guide said that Smokey doesnt like anyone horses or riders. I thought he was so cute and it was a luck of the draw that I rode him. Colleen asked for Jewel and I said who is ever up next that is who I'll ride. Smokey it is, who wouldnt love him with a name like Smokey xoxox.
I miss my kitty but its great to just hear is name.
So here is a pic of Smokey running in for Chow as Bobby calls the horse in for the night. Its Colleen's favorite thing to do wait and watch. The first batch of horses ran out of the waiting area only to start grazing the green grass ourside the fence. It made me laugh. Smokey when it was finally his turn, ran like hell with Maggie. Hes a cutie! Here a couple of pics of the sweet little horses today. :) Great day at the Farm, the wait was worth it but I want to do tomorrow too.