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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Early Morning Columbus Day Weekend with Blue & Andy

Today was a great ride, great weather, We rode with Ericka. I was late because I overslept (homework is crazy lately.  Brenda took us down to the pumpkin patch in the garden and we picked pumpkins and eggplant too. We had a nice ride with some people from Texas. They were here for the fall foliage. They loved all the water.  I guess I never realized just how much we have here.  Blue was kinda fresh. Erika our guide said that Blue had some opinions. I thought he was cute. I think that he is kinda lazy but it worked out fine. Andy Colleen's pet was too easy for her. She needs some challenges I think.
Blue was a nice ride and I think that having him is keeping me sharp.
Here is a picture of Colleen giving Chippy some love.  She likes to give every horse a hug and a kiss everytime we go for a ride. Found out today (Oct 29 11) that Chippy was sold to a girl at the farm.

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