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Saturday, October 29, 2011

37 degrees and Hershey was all reared up

Here Hershey is not riding with Enya and the lady because he
was annoyed they were too slow.  I love this guy!  They were.

Just got off Hershey. I think this guy is something special!

Hershey is looking right at me while he gets ready for a ride.  He's my sweet horse.  Love him love them all.
Had to run and catch a ride at Bobby's today.  It was cold and I was laying down in bed this morning and thought that I better get up and get going to the ride. Finally a day that isnt beautiful and I may be the only rider.  Sheila said at the last minute a lady called and it was the lady and I.  The lady didnt look very well. She may be recovering from cancer or something.  I realize that she was growing hair and maybe getting her strength back from something. She was riding Jewel and she seemed to say she knew so much about horses and was sharing her knowlege.  She did say that Hershey was a Perthshire Horse.  She talked to Anya the whole time. Asking questions and basically talking for the ride.  Hershey on the other hand wanted to pass her. He was getting tired of her slow-walking and not trotting in the usual times.  He was so wanting to ride fast.  I had to pull back on him more than 20 times.  I adore him.  He trotted so much when we werent suppose to trot.

I was saying the cold weather probably made him a lil wild n crazy. I dismounted him on the ground but Im not sure I could mount him correctly.  Sheila had suggested him this morning for me and I was all about it. Today there were hunters parked in the sandy area. We passed through the Richard Emmett Conservation area again today.  I know last time we went through it and it was at the end of Texas Road.  There was a wooden sign.  Today I saw his name was carved into a granit stone. It was pretty cool.

Colleen couldnt ride today she's so busy with stuff. She mentioned tomorrow but Im pretty sure we wont be riding tomorrow after this crazy snow storm in Oct.  The storm is tonight and they say that we will get a foot on Oct 29th.

Im note sure how much more I will write today because I have to do homework but I enjoy reading them later if  I write whatever I want on the journal and then correct or add to it later.  Oh yeah Sheila told me today that Brenda has left Bobbys and that ole Bobby was having a hard time.  Sheila said that he was 81 years old.  I am amazed by this.   I really enjoy going there and Im amazed how lucky I am to have such a beautiful place to go every weekend.

Anya rode her sweet little horse the lady rode Jewel and I was on Hershey. Hershey was moody. Hes been that way everytime  have been riding him.  Oh while we were riding,  Hershey sensed stuff in the woods.  He is so sensitive that he heard the wings of a Heron about to land.  He stopped and listened to the sound and made sure I knew. When we started riding today he only had a little hay on his head and in his mane.  As we rode I felt safer with him as my horse. The lady riding Jewel said she likes to ride english and she is used to horses that dont listen that you have to kick to get them to go.

Later that day Massachusetts was hit with a terrible storm that knocked out our electricity for 4 days and dropped 1/2 tree on the side yard. I heard it fall and it was a scary night.  We had heavy snow about 8 inches.  Others had up to a foot maybe more.
I did get more info on the Richard Emmett Conservation area though,

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