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Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ranch was packed today! Duke

Duke having a snack after a great ride today. 
Went up to NH to maybe take a ride at Castle in Clouds and see Zues.  I didnt get the reservation in and they were book.  Colleen decided that we could go up to NH and come down and ride at Bobby's.  It was crazy there were a huge family on the ride. 15+ people. The ride was good extremely wet.  I was lucky enough to answer when Erika asked, "Who's an experienced rider?"  She was with Duke and I was hoping to ride him soon.
Whew, I Lucked out and got on my nice horse.  Hes a sweetheart and I found out more about him from Erika. What happened was he was an event horse that has been totally trained to jump and avoid water. That is why he hates the puddles so much he thinks he'll get introuble.  Duchess was in front of me and Pixie was behind.  Colleen had Andy but she was behind Domino. It took a while but Erika moved Colleen in front of Dominot and she finally got to ride during the trots.  The guy riding Domino was kinda of out of control.
Well I was so happy with Duke. He at one point when I put my knees against his body and he started to trot and then the guides started the trot.  It was amazing.  He's a great horse.  Duchess got in some trouble with her
attitude. I think the man was holding her reins too tight. I also loved that Duchess loves young Bobby. While we waite she eased her way up to get a hug from him as he stood at the beginning of the ride by the barn.  Hes a really nice guy I got a nice pic of him today he's pretty cool..
Below are some cool pics I got at the end of the day on Saturday.
Young Bobby bringing the tractor around to get some hay for the horses
Here he is getting the hay onto the spool on the trackor so manypeople were in the way. You can see the shadow of a guy taking a cell phone picture in the hay.

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