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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Rode the infamous Blue today Colleen Andy

Blue Chippy Bruno and Hershey, waiting to get off work for the day.
Great ride, wasnt until 3pm.  The ride was full, its ok though. I kinda like it both ways. Last week the rides started early and we had a full ride. This week at 3:20pm we were loading up for the ride. There were 3 other riders on the trot ride. Two young women and a young man.  He said it was his first time. He was a tall black man and he was on Domoino. He was asking lots of questions of the guides, thank goodness because Domino ended up Cantering with him because he had a mixed message from his rider and was trying to catch up with the other horses. It was so wet so many puddles.  I had a great ride with Blue. I think I need to ride him again soon. I had so much air, he listened like a good boy.  I wanted to ride Tulsa but Sheila asked me to ride Blue because he was acting up and she wanted someone experirenced so he wouldnt act up on the ride. Looks like he has been a stinker.  Colleen was so happy to ride Andy. They were in t front of me and Tulsa the sweetheart was behind.  It started to mist when we finished. The last ride was 3pm so we got to see the horses line up for chow how they run over to the barn.  Its so nice.  

Scout one of the older horses has a cough and I felt really bad for him. He was gagging in the corner of the woods. I think he may have needed some water.
A few weeks ago Maggie ran in front of Bobby's little cart as he was driving and accidently got his leg run over by the tired. She's been limping and staying off it for a couple weeks. Today she was working with the horses again!  Great to have her back again. Im so glad she healed so well.
Maggie is feeling so much better since she had got her foot run over.

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