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Saturday, November 26, 2011

Private Ride today, Sheila Grizzly, Andy Colleen and Tulsa

Tulsa  looking right at me and I loved her today. Young Bobby w/her.
Sweet Tulsa great to be on the trail with her again.
As we signed in today, Bobby says, Its just you two on the ride this morning.  I was thinking how happy  Colleen would be,  it was worth the sacrifice.  We have had some packed rides.
Sheila told me that lately Tulsa has been riding so much on all rides that she may be getting worn out. I hadnt rode her since last March.
Because we were with Sheila and she was first ride, it was an advanced ride just for Colleen and I.
Today during the ride, Sheila said that Andy trots  slow.  I was relieved because Tulsa thinks so too, along with Duke.  I think that Blue would be thinking that he trots just fine.
It was a beautiful day almost 60. I wore silk long johns but I didnt need them.  Sheila said pick a horse that you like the trot, we'll be trotting alot.  It sounded great.  Tulsa was ready and I could have ridden Duke (I thought about it) but I miss my Miss Tulsa.  So young Bobby got her ready for me.  She kicked up a bit on them because she was still eating. I told young Bobby that I could take any horse ready.
Side shot of Tulsa on lakeside trots.
She was great, she didnt like the water today and we took some interesting paths with Sheila because she was mixin it up.  As we came down the first hill, Sheila took us back on the middle trail that had been washed out. You could see that it hadnt been used in a long time.

We had for a few months now been taking the hard right The weather almost perfect, blue sky with peaks of sun.  Bobby signed us in and he was in a great mood. I was almost running to get back from the bathroom so we could get on and start riding.  The geese were on Kennedy Lake and made plenty of noise while we trotted at the edge of the lake.  Like I said Tulsa hated the puddles of water but one of the later trots she just went right through the water and didnt miss a beat. Good Girl.

You can see Tulsa looking up at me from the trail.
Colleen was up front with Sheila and I was in the back. I was thinking that maybe I would like to go tomorrow too.  The ride was beautiful, Colleen mentioned that we trotted places we had never trotted before.  At  

Heading lakeside for a great ride today.  Beautiful day.
At the end of the ride Colleen and I went into the barn and said hi to Amanda with Rosc, Sarah with Hawk and Anya with Winston.  They were brushing out the horses while Sheila was in the ring giving a lesson with Jewel and another black horse.  It was very nice.  They were brushing the fur and the tails of the horses.  It was great to see how sweet the horses were while they were being groomed. Not sure but it seemed as though the next ride had 2 young riders.
Kennedy Lake

At the end of the ride I took pics of young Bobby shoeing some horses. It was cool. I like how Bobby is at the farm.  Sheila shared some info on how things were going.  She said she has a daughter Tory and had worked yesterday. She also said how things were going on the farm lately.

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