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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Great last ride today! It was huge. Foxxy

Here is Foxxy, she was the smoothest horse I have ever ridden. I dont want to tell anyone so I can ride again.
The ride today was pretty good. I was at the end of the huge lines.  A few people walked but most trotted. We had 3 trots one of them was very good.  I was the last person to get on a horse. Because there were so many riders I didnt think that Id even get a horse. Duke, Tulsa, Hershey, Jewel, so many horses I was scared. They only had Pixie and Domino left. I knew Pixie would work too hard to have me on her back.  Bright Eyes was in front of me. She is so beautiful.  Yesterday when I  got to the farm it was early for my ride. I saw that Bright Eyes had an eye hurt.  I didnt ask too many questions but I was worried for her. I realize that taking care of all those horses must be pretty difficult.

We were at the back of the ride and Sarah was in front of me. Way ahead was Sheila. I do love to ride with her but she had to go ahead to lead the huge amount of people.  Colleen was wearing a bright blue coat and I could see her from the rear as she rode.  There was a lady behing me that was riding Strawberry. Id like to ride Strawberry, Bright Eyes (Bright Eyes is a big rusty-brown painted mare with a white mark down her face, white patches on her side and dark brown mane and long tail) and Foxxy very soon.  Foxxy was great.

Sarah on Pumpkin. She is a very cool guide from Bobbys.
As we trotted I didnt even feel like I was going to fall off.  She is an amazing horse. Sarah says her face is so pretty. I have a picture of her in the top photo she is black with a white and pink nose.

Im sitting on Foxxy at the end of a huge ride.  Domino is front of me. I was last to be loaded.
I wish I had a chance to ride Bright Eyes.  She may be leaving to go to a thereputic farm. She sure seems sweet.
Dec 10th saw Bright Eyes giving a lesson.  So maybe I can ride her someday.

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