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Monday, November 7, 2011

Sunday with Blue Sheila and some new family riders

Colleen's lil fav sweet horse.  Andy posing for me last week. He kept nudging my camera and he gave me a hug too.  He is a sweet boy.
Ive been trying to get the post up for a while.  Ended up riding 11am on Sunday. I enjoy riding early but just didnt get it going. I called in and then I had a low tire.  I think I should have gone at 9am.  As I drove for a 10am I realized that my tire was too low and I had to call in to the farm and let them know I need to reschedule for 11am.  Amanda answered and said that the 11am was less busy and it may be a good move.  Well I guessed Id just hang around the farm for the extra time. When I pulled in the ride was still loading. I didnt want to rush and the ride looked full so I sat in my car and organized my cash til the ride was loaded and left for the trail.  I got out and the barn had Bobby, Sheila and another man talking about the internet and phones. I know that Bobby sure could use some help with business.  Sheila seemed preoccuppied with something. She has been so busy lately with all the horse work.  I went over to the two horses at the post in the barn.  Domino was one and the other was a horse I didnt know. I said hi to him and he seemed a little worried.  I petted his head some.  Sheila came by and told me that he was her new horse.  She said that he could get fresh so I should be aware. I didnt want to annoy him so I kept my distance but still showed him some caring.  I took a couple pictures and just hung out with the kitties, donkeys and goats it was nice.  There was a family that arrived in a BMW. I was quick to judge them as snobs and rich people but I was wrong. They signed up with Bobby and they were on the ride with me.  As they stood getting ready I could hear that the ride was a first time for 3 of them and the others hadnt ridden in 25 and 30 years.  They were excited.  I think they shouldnt have gone on the trot but did. The father was on Hershey, I told him that Hershey was a cadillac of a horse. I was first to be saddled and they gave me Blue.  I am fine with him. He keeps me in my horse form.
As the cowboy guide placed me first because I wasnt with a group.  Blue was a great listener and He is very good on the trail.  After most of the family was loaded on and the young man on Domino was clearly overwhelmed with his size and his power.  Sheila cantered in at the last minute and said she needed to get out of the barn and out on the trail. She was stressed. She said her horse didnt feel good and she was worried.  I felt sad for her, she was clearly overwhelmed.
Well by the end of the ride she was better and we were smiling. I would like to send her a note and see how she is doing now.
Just checked in with Sheila and Cash her horse was feeling better the next day.  She had felt overwhelmed with taking care of the other horses and animals and also needing to take care of her horses.

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