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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Xmas ride today, Thanks Duke, Sarah, Anja and Kanti

I had prepped the gingerbread horses, reindeer and people in little holiday bags with everyones name on it. I wasnt sure Id be going to the farm today but if I hadnt I know Id be so disappointed. Really its the only thing I want for xmas. As I was driving, I realized I had brought xmas stuff for the guides but what about my friends, the horses? Duke, Oreo, Blue, Domino, Duchess, Tulsa they always take such good care of me. Well I decided I needed to stop at the snooty grocery store and grab some carrots. As I was grabbing bag after bag and piling them on my arm. I heard a man saying, Maamm, we have 3 lb. bags of carrots over here. So I looked to my left and he was smiling at me. I realized how I looked it was funny. I bought the carrots and jumped in the car. I felt alot better about going to the farm. The temp was about 35 degrees and I actually saw the sun come out. There were breezes but not windy like yesterday.
Had a moment w/ Duke.  He looked at me several times straight in the eye after our ride. Duke is Patient w/me

When I pulled in there were no cars really. I saw only a couple horses, Duke, Booger, Hershey only 5 saddled up. I looked to the barn and there was Sheila, Anja, Kanti and Sarah. I yelled YAAAA!!!. The were pretty happy to see me. I ran over with my big snowman bag and started to hand out the gingerbread horses, people and reindeer. They were so happy to see me. I ran into the office with Bob and gave him his goodie bag and left 2 for Bobby and Cassie. They said that Duke was ready to go. Duke was acting funny at the ramp, like I was a push over. He wanted Winston to go in the front and he waited for him to pull forward. The girls asked me to take the reins and give Duke a little whip. I didnt get it going.

We got on the trail and I was worried that Duke was going to be slow today. I was a goof. Totally wrong. He tripped on some rocks and acted a little tired. Sarah got behind me with Duke. I think that Sarah is watching me to make sure that Im going to be ok during the cantors. OK the surprise is, Anja and Sarah said at the first stretch that we will probably be doing some cantors today.
[CANTER:  My description of a cantor, Well to me a cantor is moments that the horses can pick up speed in the trot to achieve a faster, smooother 3 step run, that is more air, less hoofs on the ground. I feel a leaping feeling.) Sometimes I feel that the trot gets higher and higher just before the feeling of lift. I feel the feeling of flight that I get from lifting off on an airplane and also the moments during a roller coaster ride.  The difference is that am working together with a living animal to directly experience and control the activity.]

When Duke begins to go from the trot to a cantor, he's gives me a smooth lunge and then suddenly I feel like hes leaping through the air like a ballet dancer, lightness on his feet and smooth long, powerful movements that seem natural. When I read what a cantor is it said it was not as natural as I thought it was.
 Anyway, we cantered about 4 times. The first try was trotty for me. Then we picked up the speed and Duke understood that he was going to get to be speedy today. Then the 3 and 4th cantors was perfect. The 3nrd canter near the lake was the most powerful, interesting in the terrain and also I had the most control of how Duke was doing with me.  Anja said that when he was running up the hill we looked beautiful. I felt it too. We finished up the ride. Sarah was so happy about riding Hershey today. She loved that he cantored with her and that she had figured out that he didnt buck he just moved his wait in a way that was misunderstood. He was beautiful.
Kanti, Duke and I on our Christmas 2012 trail ride

Kanti was riding Booger today and she was completely happy. She smiled so wide each time I looked back at her.  She said he cantered perfectly.

I believe this guys name if either Max of Sam. He was sweet.
 I was able to spend a little time with Sheila in the office with Bobby. I told them that they made a huge difference in my life. I hugged Bob and Sheila. I asked Bobby before the ride if for xmas gift to me, could I feed the new horse that was in the shed away from the other horses. I know he was on a farm that was being auctioned and was going to be put down. My heart aches for him because he wasnt cared for fairly. In my heart Id like to sponsor him and take care of him. I know that it may be too much for me. Anyway, I met him and fed him carrots.  He loved them so much. Sheila took me over in the ATV and we got out and talked to him. I petted his mane and spoke to him. He was a sweet guy with a blind eye. I Hope he is treated fairly. This business of horses is too much for me. My heart was touched and the whole days experience made me feel emotional and fortunate to have a farm family that I can spend time with. These guys give back to me. Its one of the most satisfying experiences I have ever had. Ill post some pictures soon. Oh I fed all the animals in the farm carrots, the sheep, the mini horses, the goats, and especially Pedro and the old horse that is not feeling very good. I was an amazing experience. I feel so much better as a person. I want to do more. Just saying.
[What if I could adopt him and learn how to take care of him at the farm? Is that a good idea?  Could I help out with him?]
While I was driving home from the farm, I realized how important the people at the farm and the experiences we have are to me.  The guides, Bob, Bobby, the horses, Kanti, Sheila, Sarah, Anja all of the people are so wonderful.  The horses are like sweet hard working spirits that are so wise.  On the ride, the girls, Sarah, Kanti Anja all encourage me to cantor. I wouldnt even try something like this in my life wtihout such an amazing support system. Its like some sort of power they give me. Its a special time of the year.  It was just us on the ride and then the others in the ride gave me such confidance to cantor on the trails.   As I walked into Dunkin Donuts I had a feeling like never before.  I feel as though I was learning something as important as flying, swimming, some skill that will experience knowledge and it takes encouragement from others to make me have such confidance.  The way that Sarah gets behind my horse to help me in the case the horse needs extra help or I get in trouble.  She would be right there to help me.  St said that I should be careful with the younger women that can ride and that i was being too confidant.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Oreo, Foxxy, Kanti, Olivia and Cassie

These two were so cute today, naaayed very lowly.

Little confusing today for the ride but it worked out.  I called in for a ride at noon because Kanti messaged me on facebook and said, "lets ride".  When I called Bobby said ride was full.  Can I do an 11am.  Well I said yes and I just couldnt get there.  I headed out but by the teim I got gas and was near it was just too late.  I called Bobby and rescheduled for 1pm and decided to go to Kohls.
Figured if I go to Kohls I can get a couple shirts for Joanne for xmas.  I went to Kohls today and aw that Bobs Mom would like some of the more casual shirts for her to wear to work, anyway.
I got to Bobbys and Kanti was just realizing that the 12 ride was full and we needed to go at 1pm.

 She went and got her tree during the wait and I talked to Bobby about his Dad and how hes selling his house in Winchenton and building a log cabin on the property at the Ranch.  Wow that was gsreat.
Today I rode Oreo.  Hes a sweetie.  He's a little bumpy but Im totally cool with that fact.  He helps me keep my form.The sky was bright,  about 40 degrees, I wore gloves no hat.
There was a couple of men so I didnt get Duke but Cassie asked me if I minded. I was happy with Oreo.

The ride had plenty of trots.  The people in the front seemed to not know what there were doing.  It was a mom, dad and a son.  They were happy enough, but Kanti and I were happier.
Oreo was getting alot of love from me while we walked.  He kept up and when he begins to trot is very exciting.  He jumps up into the trot and is bumpy but I like to work on my form and keep my signals to him.  Each time he tried to slow down if I kept after him he actually sped up.  I was totally proud.  If he was trying to stop and it was still time to trot he would gladly jump back up and starting up and keep the pace with the group.  I loved my ride today.  What a pretty little horse with a sweet little ride.

Duke jumped up on the human wooden trail and had to be lead out to the lake by Olivia. We did a nice trot on the lake, one by the bridge one at the begginning and the one at the straight away at the first stretch.  So (1) first trot by the opening, (2) second one at the stretch with the turn, (3) third one after the wooden bridge and the (4) fourth one before the bridge. There was a slim coat of ice on 1/2 of the lake.  It was beautiful today with resting curled up geese floating peacefully in groups on the lake.  They didnt make a peep.  Just resting from the flight I imagine.

Kanti and I talked the whole time.  We went up a very steep hill at the end of the ride up the steep hill before the boarder barns.The people in front of me stopped and it made it hard for our horses to keep momentum to go up the hill.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Linked "Julies Horse Journal"

Went for a ride today at 12. Its a little cold 42 but the sun was behind the clouds and I could see the filtered light starting to push the sun through. I got there and they told me that Sheila was there and that some dog had just chased the big Rooster and almost got him. Bob was saddling up to go out on the trail for a ride. I was getting excited. The previous ride was arriving at the wooden launch and I knew it would be a good day. They asked me who I wanted to ride. I said anyone who needs to go out. Blue came over and showed me some love. I mentioned "blue", a girl named Heather wanted to ride Blue. Im totally cool with that. I said anyone else, how about Domino? Sure enough he came walking over.
Sarah and Akiva and Blueberry

I wasnt very good with him today he was acting ornery. He went outside the dirt road and grabbed grass, he stopped on the path a few times and walked slow. As we did our first trot he ended early and I was diappointed.
  The guides Anja and Sarah all discussed that we could do a cantor ride today. Enja mentioned that at the end of the ride was best as we had seen the dirt bike and four wheeler at the beginning of the lttle desert. I wondered about Domino on the trail cantering. I knew Duke was amazing but Domino was just ok on the trot. Well we were coming to the end after the lake, before the last bridge and long walk and Anja said lets do it. I wondered if I could have Domino at the end so he wouldnt hold anyone up because he's been actin up today.

Sarah said he'd be fine and she positioned herself behind me with Akiva. It was a great idea! Sarah dont forget to Kiss, I asked what is kiss, she said make a kiss sound. We started up the trot. I can say Im not very good at getting things going. I could see that Blue in front of me was moving just ok and that Anja on Winston was way ahead. I was bumping and bumping with my heels down and I was trying to stay seated and do a good job. As I was trying to stay on Domino I was holding on and we were moving fast.

Akiva came up on Domino's right side, I saw his ears go back and it felt like he went into flight. Suddenly I am flying in mid air like the feeling of suspension or when the rollercoaster goes quickly and I feel that I am flying in the seat. Domino was a light as a feather, all 1500 pounds of him. All the people behind me made sounds. It was because that big guy was practically dancing up the hill toward the bridge with me as light as a feather on his back. He must have made the ground shake and the other horses feel small. Akiva was trying to race him and it was lots of fun to see him respond.

CANTER: n : an smooth 3-beat gait; between a trot and a gallop [syn: lope] v 1: ride at a canter; "The men cantered away" 2: go at a canter, of horses 3: ride at a cantering pace; "He cantered the horse across the meadow" Canter \Can"ter\, n. [An abbreviation of Caner bury. See Canterbury gallop, under Canterbury.] 1. A moderate and easy gallop adapted to pleasure riding. Note: The canter is a thoroughly artificial pace, at first extremely tiring to the horse, and generally only to be produced in him by the restraint of a powerful bit, which compels him to throw a great part of his weight on his haunches . . . There is so great a variety in the mode adopted by different horses for performing the canter, that no single description will suffice, nor indeed is it easy . . . to define any one of them. --J. H. Walsh.


Sunday, December 2, 2012

Duke, Sarah and Akiva

Duke was grumpy. So funny. He didnt want to go out of the corral.  He walked away at the dining hall.  He slowed down twice on trots.  He also was spooked 3 times because Akiva jumped worried about things like a horse coming out of the trailer.  
Duke was pretty cool on the ride.We picked up an extra trot on the way back.  Duke loved it.  He was so happy. Stubborn today but got his grass and we had extra trots.  We went nearly around the lake and we also cut back next to the wooden walkway.  Akiva wasnt happy to walk near the wooden walkway and the bridge.  When we got there Bobby has a lady looking at Oreo.

I have decided to use this recent ride with Sarah B. as my happy place.  While I was trying to go to sleep last night and I imagined that I was on the trail and we were getting ready to trot.  I re-visualized being on the trails.  The trot after the main split, the trot before the bridge, the trot after the long trail that goes around the corner on the left into the little desert.  The trot after the lake edge wooden bridge that goes up the hill around the right corner and to the next two openings at the lake.  Side note sometimes we go even further on the trot until we go up a hill and down a hill and around a small rock.  We backed tracked at the lake and when by the wooden walkway again.  Akiva didnt like to ride near the wood and Sarah walked her.  This gave Duke a great opportunity to get some green grass.  I was all about it because the winter is long and the grass looked delicious.  Duke can be crazy about grass.
Anyway Sarah thought we should trot one more time a place I have never trotted and Duke picked UP the trot excited by the new locations for running fast.
Id say that is my happy place, remembering this ride.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Colleen Olivia, Andy Blue, just us!

Great ride.  Timing is everything.  When I called at 9am Bobby said there were three others on the ride.   Oh well I thought this ride was going to be not as good.  I was totally wrong. They asked me who I wanted I said, Well Duchess, Duke, Smokey, Hershey they were all ready.  Blue sweetie was ready too. I said, Yeah Blue.  What a great decision he was so good.  Andy, Colleen's fav was feeling a little uncomfortable from the last rider but Colleen said, Lets go Andy.
Blue was so sweet.  He trotted like a dream, I felt he was also fast.  After our first trot we put Andy in front of Blue.  Blue was fine with it. Colleen said that Andy was tailgating Blue and just not himself.  I believe a little love from Colleen could help him feel better.   I wonder if riders have made him annoyed  humans.
When we go there it was about 945 and we were able to walk around a little about 55 degrees.  The ride was still out.  I had my pick and got Blue.  As we went out on the trail I realized we were just going Olivia, Colleen and I for this ride. We lucked out with  a private ride. I was amazed at how lucky were with this one.  I didnt think we would have a great ride but it was amazing.  After Colleen got in front of me and then we went on the trails it was great.  Around the lake.
Found out that Sheila had a mishap last week and was injured.  Tango was spooked.  It sounds like crazy, Tango is so trust worthy.  I hope all is well. Bobby said it must have been a bee.  Later I spoke with Sheila on the phone, she said that Tango was like Rodeo and bucked a few times, maybe three, then she fell on her side.  Tango looked over at her like he was confused that she wasnt on his back.  Poor things.

Burrs in his mane fur

Bobby was tricking me at the bathroom  Ha ha


Meal Time!

Jewel was scared of the pitch fork

Help for Bobby in the Corral

Too cold for the rope swing today.

Trails were still really wet but we were able to go around the lake.  Yeah!

Blue turned his head to me everytime I spoke to him.

Blue turning to me while I take his pic.

Olivia's 14 hand horse. 


He after the first trot gave a message to Colleen that he was uncomfortable.  While my Blue was amazing. Im so happy to be riding him.   He's great.  He trotted great during our trots around the lake.  Luckily we were able to go around the lake. We went up the hill and around the corner down the path for a while.
Blue was so sweet on the ride. So many times he would take a break and look around the woods to the sides and deep into the woods. You know I think that he is very smart.  He stopped during the trots I thik he felt too close to Andy.  Blue is cool because he listens to you.  He looks at me all the time when I talk to him.  Also I petted him so much durin the ride. I think he knows I care about him as we go on the ride.