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Saturday, June 23, 2012

First Summer Ride - Duchess

I feel lucky today. We got in on an 11am. Colleen was getting her car fixed. She met me at Bobby's. She was a little late but so was all the whole ride.  After we got there the other riders were not all there and Bobby said, "Get Jules and Colleen on the trail no need for them to wait."  That way we rode with Jess and Sarah. Jess was on Rio (he didn't feel well on his leg today) Sarah in the front was in the front.   Colleen was on my Appaloosa buddy, Toby he is so pretty.  He has those beautiful spots on his rump.   I was lucky to be on Duchess her mane is so beautiful and she is so large and shapely. Sarah was riding Pumpkin today.  She's so cute on Pumpkin.  She's leaving for Australia for a month next week.  Im going to miss her. Jess said that she really liked Duchess because she likes to ride and likes to trot.  You know she does.  Im so glad I rode her today.  It was a very nice ride. I took some extra pictures and got some of Duke Hes so sweet. Great ride. I kidded Bobby that he should ride with Colleen and I some weekday.  He smiled. You never know!
Oh today was so hot when we got in the trails it was so much cooler.  The temps over the past few days have been upper 90s. On the trail today we had an ATV, he killed his engine until all the horses pasted.  Our trots were so nice. We didnt get to trot up the corner likes Colleen likes because there were so many people in the lake today.  Last week too.  Jess says that she thinks the lake is the cleanest around and she goes in often.  I may think about taking a swim someday in Kennedy Lake.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Matt Patron's Horse -- Taboo

Went to  our E543 outing at Great Brook and it turned out to be where the cross country ski lodge is located. You can rent the barn where you get the skiis and use the farm area.  Well to my surprise Matt's wife was coming to meet us all like she does all the time with their horse, Taboo. Here is the pic I took with my phone. I have another I can get soon.
As Matt's wife Cherrie was putting Taboo into the trailer he popped his head out in a friendly way to say "Hi".  

What a hansom guy this horse is, I loved meeting him.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Had to ride today no matter of the time - Hershey

Colleen couldnt ride today.  I had to go anyway. Life is short and I dont know how long it will be that I can just go trail riding and come home and its just normal. So I got up and went right away.
The eleven was full so I just made it for the 10.  Bobby said pedal to the metal and I could make it on time. I called him from Billerica at 940.  When I got there Sheila had already got Hershey ready.  He was a little mopey today but I had a great ride. He was sweet and kept up ok.
Well Im so happy.  Four riders went ahead with Sheila they were going for a cantor ride. But just for a hour. She must have had to get them to the special areas in the woods to get to speeds for cantoring.  I was happy to be here and on Hershey is great.  Tootsie was behind me and the girl in front of me was on Andy.  She was holding his reins too tight Amanda was up front and in the back, Rizzo with Jess.  Jess was so happy and so proud of having Rizzo out on the trail.  He is so mature for just getting to the farm a couple of weeks ago.  It was a good ride and the people on it were good. Hershey I petted him and talked to him the whole time.  Hes an amazing horse.  I was happy to be riding. I thank him everytime.  Im so lucky.
I can write more later.
Oh yeah, it was 71 degrees and we had 3 trots I think it could have been 4. I like going up the hill on the horses after the footbridge, Hershey is a joy to ride. He did great!

New Little mini horse called Honey

Jess on Rizzo.  He has the sweetest eyes. I think he has eyelashes that are so pretty.  His Dad Blue is too.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Andy had a screw in his hoof during ride

Today was a lesson for Colleen and I. Andy stepped on a nail during the walk and was hurt. We both noticed his stepping on the trail. At one point Andy looked like he was slipping. A few times on the incline he showed a definite problem with his stepping. Then after the rock wall on the edge of the farm's field he let Colleen know he was in pain. She said woah and he began to jump and rise off the left front foot. Sheila jumped off Tango and she told Colleen to jump off quick. Colleen knows that Andy doesnt like that and they totally have an understanding. She held Andy's reins and then then looked at his hoof. Sheila pulled out a screw while I was on Duke's back and the rest of the ride (basically some young experienced riders out for a birthday celebration for one of them. They were english riders but I could tell they were getting some western rides in and it was a special thing.

 Well we stepped to the side and the rest of the ride went on with Sheila. We walked back on the trail through the woods back to the barn. Bobby looked at the hoof. He was worried because he couldnt tell the damage. Cassie said that the mud most likely helped the pain. Andy was feeling better without the screw in his foot. Bobby said come back and ride later and we are trying to get that going. Walking back to the barn with Duke was pretty cool. It reminded me of when I had to walk with Duke under that low branch. As we got back i got a picture of Duke and I but it doesnt look that good. I look fat. :( but I'll get more pics with my buddy. Uploading pics later.

We went back at 3pm for a ride this time we said we'd have an ice coffee/ice tea on the way back. I got to bring the truck so Colleen and I had a funnier ride. The ride was big. The trot ride was huge.  It seemed like there were many less experienced riders but we still had decent trots. There was a man behind me that made Sheila laugh a few months ago and he came back.  He totally annoyed me. Colleen was talking with Sheila all the time and I didnt hear too much of it.  I may go by myself some time so that I can ride with Sheila too. The ride was nice we trotted alot. The group was large 16 maybe and I totally enjoyed the ride. The riders behind me were slow. Sheila said we were late adn we trotted in an area that I had not ever trotted. After the long railway bed and through the woods she had us trot again. The people in the group were so goofy their horses much have been frustrated. The woman and Tulsa was holding the reins too tight.
Summer lush/green looks so different than the dark winter pictures. Duke's hair are is so beautiful.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Great to be back with Blue

Got to go on a quick afternoon ride with Colleen Sunday. Last week we were at Cape Cod Canal for Memorial Day.  Back home felt good. The weekend was cool and wet. Saturday a total washout but Sunday had some promise.  It was misting all day and on the way there but I knew we would have a fine ride. It was big about 16+ people.
Sheila said to me, Jules we are going to give you Blue today.  Then she said be careful he's been so snacking on the trails. She told me to get after him.  I enjoy working with the horses and their personailities. The are all different. Blue is one of my favs and I love that he was the father of so many of the horses. While we were in line little Blueberry came to the endge of the fence and made the most intersting type winnie noise. It was almost sweet like a song.  She is so cute.
The ride looked as though it may go slow.  It was about 60 out and the guides were many. We had Sheila, Amanda, Cathy, & Anja.  There were lots of kids. The boys at the end were fooling around alot and trotting when they were not suppose to trot.  There were 2 little girls on a tether with a horse.  A little girl with her mom and a little girl with Anja and her Dad was right behind.  It was complicated 2pm ride.
Duke was with another person and Hershey was with the woman behind me.  We split off on the ride most of the riders it seemed went on the walking ride with Anja and Amanda.
Sheila led our ride. Colleen was up front and I was behind her on Blue.
I learned a new thing.
Blue will not respond a light kick on the side to go like many other horses.  All you need to do is slight put pressure on his front and make a clicking sound.  Im so happy he rode great. I was happy to be on  him.  But he does kinda slow down at the end.  He may just not like to trot much.

The lady behind me was very nice but she and Hershey were on the back of Blue so that I think Blue doesnt like it.

On the way in the car with Colleen I was talking about how much I liked the cantor ride 2 weeks ago.  I was so happy to be on Duke safe cantoring.  It was an absolutely amazing ride.  She said  that Andy never cantored.
I was so surprised.
So Duke did like crazy.  I love him.
Im so lucky.  I think that I have done ok with my progress in horsemanship.
I feel like I am getting somewhere. One day I will be able to help around the farm.
For the future I want to help around the farm and also I want to be able to help with guide rides.  I wont even need money.
Just being there is so good for me.