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Saturday, June 16, 2012

Had to ride today no matter of the time - Hershey

Colleen couldnt ride today.  I had to go anyway. Life is short and I dont know how long it will be that I can just go trail riding and come home and its just normal. So I got up and went right away.
The eleven was full so I just made it for the 10.  Bobby said pedal to the metal and I could make it on time. I called him from Billerica at 940.  When I got there Sheila had already got Hershey ready.  He was a little mopey today but I had a great ride. He was sweet and kept up ok.
Well Im so happy.  Four riders went ahead with Sheila they were going for a cantor ride. But just for a hour. She must have had to get them to the special areas in the woods to get to speeds for cantoring.  I was happy to be here and on Hershey is great.  Tootsie was behind me and the girl in front of me was on Andy.  She was holding his reins too tight Amanda was up front and in the back, Rizzo with Jess.  Jess was so happy and so proud of having Rizzo out on the trail.  He is so mature for just getting to the farm a couple of weeks ago.  It was a good ride and the people on it were good. Hershey I petted him and talked to him the whole time.  Hes an amazing horse.  I was happy to be riding. I thank him everytime.  Im so lucky.
I can write more later.
Oh yeah, it was 71 degrees and we had 3 trots I think it could have been 4. I like going up the hill on the horses after the footbridge, Hershey is a joy to ride. He did great!

New Little mini horse called Honey

Jess on Rizzo.  He has the sweetest eyes. I think he has eyelashes that are so pretty.  His Dad Blue is too.

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