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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Sunday ride, 3pm Tulsa, Tobey Colleen and me

We got there at 3:00 jumped out and ran to Bobby in the office to pay.  It was a large ride. I thought Id be on Blue but when we pulled up he was having someone else get on him.  I want to spend more time on him so I can learn about him.  He really appreciated me keeping bugs off of his face and ears.  Well Anja said when I walked up that they had Tulsa for me.  It was perfect.  She is a great horse.  Duke was in front of me and Colleen behind me on Tobey. The ride had quite a few riders for the trot. An older couple in front of me.  I do get impatient with larger rides and the riders.  I love the 9ams and 10ams with the more advance and or the riders that are serious about riding.

We trotted a few places, went around the Lake, had the continues trot past the large lake opening where people are close to the edge swimming. I find it very exciting when we ride up the hill around the corner and down a few openings in the lake's tree lined edges.  Its so cool when lines of horses trot by on the trail. Tulsa was amazing.  Duke was beautiful and the lady with Boger was kinda lame about trotting.

Tulsa and I behind a man that kicks Duke when he has to pee.  If Duke listened.  He would have experienced SPEED.
Colleen and Cathy had a strange  thing happen.  First thing is we separated from the walk ride way earlier than usual.  Just as we entered the woods from the farm.  Our trot ride went left and the walk ride went right and rode against the rock wall on the back of the farm. Amanda took the walkers, Sheila took the first group of trotters and Anja and Cathy took our trotting group.

When the trot ride got to the little desert area Colleen asked if Cathy could fix her stirrups, they seems at the wrong length.  Well when Cathy got off Foxie she walked over to the back of Tobey and Tobey was taken back by it and kicked at Foxie.  Well Cathy got the kick and Colleen didnt know exactly what happened.  Cathy shared what happened but we are sure if she was ok or bruised in the hand from the kick.

I was also worried because Taboo Cathy's horse wasnt feeling good Sunday.  He looked worried.  Colleen and I petted him and saw that he was feeling worried.  I hope hes better now.

I cant wait to ride on Saturday again.
View from the trail back into the ranch.  all the horses here with minis enjoying long grass.

Tobey with his bug protector on.  The trail was loaded with flies.

IN THE BARN after our ride

Datania and Rizzo.  Datania is so sweet. I hadnt met her very closely before.  It was nice.

Cash with a new red blanket before his lesson.
Sheila on Cash in the ring. He's learning to listen to her.  He did great.

Cash, hot after his ring lesson & trailriding.  Hes a sweetie, very friendly to  Colleen and I at the corral area.

Rizzo at the back of the barn.

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