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Saturday, July 21, 2012

Duke today it was nice

Cassie on the india sounding horse, Anja  with Midnight Colleen on Andy and Duke with me. we had lots of trots and we went around the laks so nice that we ended up where we began and skipped the huge hill up to the barn at the end.  Also the trots were good and long. We even trotted at the fork on the right where the walk ride usually goes.
As we walked back from the horses in the barn, Bobby posed cause he knew we were taking pictures.  hes so funny.
Bobby posing after helping a family get saddled up for their first ride.  He's got a special look as a farmer in Massachusetts.
Two New horses in the ring last week.  One is named Stetson and the other was a little skiddish and didnt have a name yet.  The red/brownish one was more friendly to Colleen and I but the spotty one was looking at us and I think we'll get to know him more. Stetson's hoffa were split to the quick.  I hope they can heal. The picture above hou can see the horses are eating out of the center of the bales of hay.  Its pretty interesting looking.  Honey the new mini horse like to eat from the bales too.
Jewel is snacking with a horse I dont recongnize that is light colored.

Duke is getting ready for his next ride. I hope the bugs werent too much for him and the other horses for the 10am ride.

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