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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Two Rides Again, Duke and Hershey

I loved being in today.  We trotted each time.  3 times on the first on with a wicked long trot at the lake and 2 times on the 2nd one.  The bridge is always a great place to trot. Kanti is going away to FLA this week so she had to get in some ridews. She said she rode on Thursday and it was nice. Our first ride was on fresh snow, there were not other footprints. Duke and I were making fresh steps.WE trotted right away.  Cassie seemed as though she may be giving a lesson to the two people in front of me and Kanti.  She carefully instructed them what to do and then she began to get us trotting right away.  The test trot.  The trot after the bridge around the corner and then  again we trotted someplace we never did before. Oh the best trot was the one where we went around the trail near the wooden bridge where we went into the woods then up to the top of the path.  Then what happened was we came over to the right and she said, would you like to pick up a trot? We trotted on the edge of the lake for a while.  I was great!   We trotted there.  Wow. The second ride I was with Hershey.  He doesnt slip at all.  Tulsa poor sweetie slipped so much. Anyway Hershey was different.  Duke was happy to see me, I think because I smelled of carrots.  I brought enough for Bobby to give away after I left.  Duke is becoming more friendly.  I like it.  I asked to ride Blue who was so beautiful but dirty today.  Cassie said that he had become a little spooky in the snow and she was going to take him out today.  She had Sheila's sadddle.  It looked beautiful on him.Anyway. Duke didnt like the ice with water and deep mud under but he went over into it the best he could.  He trotted beautiful. I keep my heels down and he had total control of the snowy surfuce.  Duke trotted a few times just because he was annoyed with Bogie.  Many times even while we were going up the steep hill Duke got ears back and started 
On the second ride Hershey was so different for the ride.

This guy is so beautiful. I lvoe his face and eyes plus he is a smart and nice guy too. I just had given him a carrot.

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