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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Two Rides - Smokey Duchess Wow Kanti is fun

Ill write up the rides later. Here are some snaps. It was amazing. 45 degrees and foggy. The trails were so crazy.  Soft ice. Smokey slipped a few times but Duchess didnt even once.  Love both rides.
Smokey the first ride, we trotted for a few seconds twice.  It was fun.  There was a young couple in front. The man was on Hershey and he had never ridden before.  He seemed like such a nice guy to try trotting just to make his girlfriend happy.  They gave him no hints. I told him to put his heals down and sit back in the saddle. He was totally appreciative of my hints and we trotted again later.  The guides today did a nice thing they went into the woods on the straight away and we were on a trail that was near the river. I loved it.  Sarah first took one that just avoided the big puddle.  The second ride Olivia was the lead and they found another trail next to the straight away and it was a beautiful long trail that the horses really enjoyed.  Smokey was excellent. He responded to Bogie who I am learning is one of the bad boys and has to be kept away from rest of the herd. Sure enough when we got into the barn, Hershey was next to him and Hershey yelled back at his nipping. Sheila took Hershey right out to go to the corral. I saw that Smokey also didnt like Bogie at all. He put his ears back a few times and Bogie had to keep back from SMokey because he has a bad rep I guess. Smokey was kinda slippy on the trail.  He also felt the rocks and it gave him some probs.  Later when on Duchess she pushes they rocks right out of the way. She didnt slip at all.  She was kinda funny because she was stealing pine needles. Why would they taste good?  She also stole an oak leaf.  We know they dont taste good.  Still Duchess.

Duchess second ride, I never thought I would but Kanti said, "Come on Jules we are way behind on our rides because of the holidays"  funny I jumped right on Duchess and we rode off with a family. We both were in front with Olivia and Tobey and the family had Foxxy so they were in the back with Sarah. 
I decided today that Sarah is extra fun and extra challenges for me.  Lucky me to have her on the rides.
After the ride Kanti quickly jumpe back on Bogie and went out again. She has tons of energy and I love it.

Sarah eventually forgave Duchess for the knocking her hat into the muck . . . evenually.

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