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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Cold today, just a visit my friends 26 windy

Gangster horses
These guys were ready to ride when I got there but it was too windy and cold. Bobby was someplace in the barn where it was warm. I brought 5 lbs of carrots and I wanted to hang out with the guys.  As you can see below they had a feeling that I had something yummy.  It was just Bob when I got there. Anja was someplace but I didnt see her. I first asked Bobby if my horse [Fred Astaire] was at the barn over by the boarder barn. He said yes. I asked if I could go down and visit and also if I coul,d give the guys there were waiting ready to ride today (but no one was riding too cold) some carrots. I promised to put the carrots on the ground and make sure they didnt fight.  He said, You can do anything you want. I was happy. I went over right away and gave Akiva, Winston, Duke Blue and Oreo some carrots. I accidently gave Blue his carrot by hand.  He was trying to sweet talk me into giving him more with his sweet horse eyes. Duke got pretty aggressive where my budddy Blue was all gentle and ignored Duke totally.

Sweet boys

Kanti's Boy Bogie

Hansom Fred Astaire

Duke's beautiful white eye, he is like a prince.

Beautiful sweet Blue xoxo he didnt have a harness and he thought he was pretty cool.

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