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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Hershey - Been 2 weeks 2 long Kanti Bogie

Beautiful day today. FInally feels like spring just a cool breeze. It was about 55+.  When I got there Bobby was doing Dominos shoes. He's such a good boy Domino. Bobby says he's great to shoe.  He holds his feet right up on the stand.  I waited til he had a break and then I gave him a carrot or 2.  I like Domino so much.
No Sarah today, It was Anja in the front and then Sheila in the back.  Sheila took the walk ride and Anja has the trot walk.  I was with Hershey and Kanti and Cathy was behind me when we split up. Cathy and Kanti had a short ride together before I got there.  It made her so happy.  She said that during that ride Bogie got so excited he kicked up his heels. She said it thrilled her.  Hershey on one of the trots during out ride was so excited he began to cantor I was feeling honored by this big guy, it was a gift.  Wish I didnt have to tell him "maybe next time buddy".  I thought we were going to fly down the trail together, I had to tell him to slow and trot it was wild.  I love all those horses.

Im so happy to be with Hershey today.


Bobby said he had been shoeing for 2 hours.  He just finished up Domino here.  I gave him a carrot for being good.

Hansome Domino after his new shoes

Here the trails look great.  

Here is the lake with the rope swing
walking back to the farm.  On the right was a really pretty horse with brown white body and a black mane.  Cathy said that she was with the Stallion of mine when they were abandon.  Im still sad about them both.  Ill ask Bob about it.

Bogie and Malaki
Here is when Malaki one of the last to go from the corral to the barn for getting his saddle off and going out within his buddies in the herd.  Here you can see how serious Maggie takes her job of helpling guide the horses into the barn.
Another woman rode Malaki today. I was sort of wanting to ride him. I was totally excited to ride Hershey though. It seems as though I havent been able to ride with him in quite a few weeks.Id like to do a poll on who I ride with and how often.  I am a regular at the ranch.
The other riders on the 3pm ride today were 2 out of  out of towner couples.  They rode, Makaki, Andy, Duke and Duchess.  Sheila was on her Pumkin and Anja was on Winston of course.
There were a few trots but they were short. There were 3 groups of people that were on the trails.  There was also loud ATVs at the first sandy spot that came up behind us quickly after the very beginning of the ride and then again a 4-wheeler at the turn at the lake on the right side.  During the ride when we first went out I was up front with Anja and Sheila, Cathy, and Kanti were at the back.  At the dirts Sheila asked me to turn Hershey around and join the back group.  Hershey was a good listening I got him to go out of the line and to turn and go back to the others. I felt pretty good. Id like to do a couple of lessons after work or during work soon so I can learn a thing or two from Sheila.  Sheila said that Jewel was back on the trails today. She was rough at first but then she calmed down.  For this ride Sheila was on sweet little Pumkin.  Her colors are so pretty she has a yelllow pumkin color with large white spots on her.  She is sweet, little and cute.
During the ride after the long lakeside trot there is a hill to the left and then down a hill and then we go between to rocks that are very close to each other on the edge of the lake.  Today there was a family with a dog at that spot.  We had to go up the steep hill to the left that is and was slippery and I had only gone up it maybe once before. I think it is difficult for the horses to get down after because is is so steep.  Well we went up ok but I know that Bogie and Hershey wanted to run down the other side because it was so difficult to walk down the very steep hilll with the mud and some snow.  All of our horses sort of skipped and moved quickly in an interesting way down the hill.
Sarah was at the corral at the end of the ride. I was able to give her the Book I have been talking about. She was walking down to see Hawk.  I hope he is better really soon. She deserves to have a nice horse.  She will take such good care of Hawk.
Here is  shot of the horses after all going in for some chow after they got their saddles off and relaxed a bit.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Love the Anja, Sarah, Kanti Rides!

So glad that yesterday I decided not to ride a 2nd ride and to come meet Kanti the next day or today.  I had to make a deal with her yesterday that I might  ride the next day.  I wasnt sure of the weather or anything but it was the right decision.  I asked Bobby if the 12 ride is ok, He said, Its only you two.   I felt my heart expand.  This would be great a ride with just Kanti and I.  I got there and I saw Sarah, Anja and Sheila.  This is going to be great.  I quickly paid Bob and ran to the Bathroom.  It was St Patrick's Day so I knew I had go to the grocery store in the morning get the food and go directly to Bobby's or our ride.  Good call for Kanti to pick 12 noon.

Riding Malaki today I had an amazing experience with him. I think he may be my new horse.  He usually is pretty fast and last time he was biting the butt of Akiva.  I noticed it was only when Cathy’s Tabo came too close.  So exactly when I got on Sheila said he was biting Andy.
Well one time Hawk reared up and pranced on the trail. With Malaki behind him he kept his distance and I didn’t have any problems.  I was excited about how Malaki rode. He was voice command and he also liked trotting to catch up . . . a lot.  Anja said we had 2 places on the trail we could trot. WE went around the lake instead of to the right and back tracking like we have been doing because trails are so rough from winter.  Although Malaki was cautious on the icy areas he would trot on the snow to enjoy his time. He trotted like about 15 times when ever he saw opportunity.  We did trot 2 times officially. He trotted up the hill that goes right around lake. He was amazing. He was so good I would take him for my horse for a short period of time WE were lucky enough to ride with Sarah for the first time with her NEW horse that Bobby gave her, Hawk.  Because Bobby was taking care of Hawk and then the previous owner did not provide money for care, Bob decided that it was the perfect horse for Sarah and gave him to her. They said that Bobby fixed his shoe and he we all back together.  I was so happy to see Sarah happy with a horse.  Hawk will love her so much. This ride was one of the best ever. I think the ones with Anja and Sarah plus Kanti are the best.
The horses I feel like connect with me when I ride at the farm may surprise you.  I have a special ride with Blue, Domino and Malaki.  It seems as though these guys look me right in the eye.  They know when I am petting them and talking to them.  Domino looks right at me, carrots or not.  He has come up behind me with his head and pushed me from the corral fence before. It was pretty cool.  He saw me backing up to take pics of the herd in the field and he walked over and pushed me in the back.  One time in the summer when I was shooing the horseflies from his ears he would lift his head so that I could reach his ears.  We had a system when I rode iwth him.
 Malaki always looks me in the eyes before and after.  I feel a connection to him. Also when I ride Blue I think he knows I am talking to him and hugging him. After the ride on the off loading deck he turns and looks at me.  I really like it.  Whenever I can I try to get Blue. I dont care how lazy they say he is, he's just jokin around.

Well Sarah had Malaki ready for me. I know she wants me to take him as the new Duke She seems afraid that he needs some attention.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Huge ride today, about 40, I helped with Yogi

It was a big ride. Kanti has been organizing us and I like it. She makes sure that we talk during the week and then she comfirms the night before and the morning of the ride.  She and Cathy agreed that either 12 or 1pm would work. This morning they agreed 1pm.  When I called to schedule the ride was pretty full 9 people and when we left it was about 12.  Wow a family of like 5, then 3 then Kanti, Cathy and myself.  Cassie was on lead with a cool appi called Cheyenne.  He was so sweet.  I was directly behind with Blue. Blue is a good man. I had stopped on the way at the grocery store and picked up the carrots. I like when they are smaller so I can break them up and give them to figaro, Pedro, Herman and all the sweet little ones. I got there ran to the bathroom and then got ready to jump on. All the riders that were there as guests were a bunch of girls that acted like they had trail experiences but were English riders and they were really tight on the reins.  I know for a western horse it is terrible for the horses.  Anyway they were almost unexperienced because they were giving mixed signals to the horses which were behaving great.
Kanti wanted me to ride another ride but I felt like it may be too busy.  There were a bunch of little kids and a few speaking some other strangle language and yelling. I thought maybe tomorrow. Kanti went out on the next ride with the next group.  Kathy took Tabo and walked her around the field.  She looks so happy.  Tabo has been coughing some on our rides. She is better today.
I walked around the ranch and enjoyed the sweet animals.  I had a pocket of carrots.  The only horse left was Toby.  Maybe I should have went with them.  But its nice to hang out.  The water crank was broken so the tub was filling like crazy.  Young Bobby was trying to help buy getting a flashlight and he didnt have any batteries.  Then there was a man with a small child walking around.  I saw that Young Bobby was geting impatient so I walked around him to see what he was saying.  he seemed totally annoyed.  I listened and he was mad because Yogi the little pony was running away while he was getting him ready.  I asked if I could help.  He said he didnt know what I could do.  I said I can do this,   I HAVE CARROTS.  Bobby said, lets go.  I went down they gave me the line with the fastener at the end and I went over with him to the pen wre the mine horses and ponies were kept.  All the animals ran like hell when Bobby came in the area. I said he better stay back and i bent down and started to feed the minis like honey and the other little brown horses. Well it wasnt about 1min  before Yogi was afraid he wasnt getting any carrots and I was able to hook his bridal.  He was cute. He has sweet eyes but I know he gets very annoyed.  So I gave him tons of carrots while he was getting saddled. Then I waited until he returned to give him tons more carrots as a reward.  He was cute.
I felt like I could help again.  I dont need to always ride on a horse I just like to be around them and around the farm with all the animals. Fred the stallion was a beautiful helper for me.  He is goine now but I will never forget him. He helped me to feel needed.  St said I was like Snow White. I couldnt have asked for a better thing to be.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Soft deep snow for Duke, Sheila Foxiee Kanti Bogie and me

Its been snowing every weekend for a few weeks now.  Its March 9th and yesterday we got over a foot of snow.  I was remembering how difficult the rides were the last two weeks.  Poor Tulsa sliding without snow shoes on and Malaki hating the icey slippery paths last week.  So imagine with Kanti called and said she signed me up for a 12.  It was 10:45 and I didnt feel like I could get there very fast.   So I told her that I could go but not until at least 1pm.  Kanti agreed and headed over right away Iimagine.  I put some laundry on and tried to do some chores.  I thought it may be kinda nice out.  I got my act together and next thing you know I was out the door.  I drove it was window open day out. It had to be 50s and really sunny. I think I got a sun burn on my face.  It was cool.  I stopped at the store and got carrots, milk, apples and bananas.  Then I drove as fast as I could to Bobby's.  You know last time I had a hard time getting a space to park.  I was afraid that I would get my car stuck in the dirt road.  Bobby said on the phone that I was on for a 12 I called and told him that I was more like 1pm he adjusted it.  I got there and to my happiness there was hardly any cars.  I opened the carrots broke enough off to keep my pockets full and then promised to keep the bag for the horses when they get there grain in the am.  Well Kanti was in the barn and so happy to see me.  We hugged and then walked over to the car.  I paid Bob, went to the bathroom and we got ready to go. Sheila, Cassie and Cathy then at the last minute a car with 2 boys and 2 girls teenagers came out and were going on the ride.  Their dad was talking alot and then and then we saddled up and went on the trail. I was so happy to see Sheila and she looked amazing. Great tan and big smile. She lead the ride. It was old times. I took so many pictures on the trails.  The snow was almost perfect. Duke was walking way up on the edges.  He is so sweet.  Cassie was riding Hershey again.  I kinda think she is haveing a thing about always riding him.  Soon the rides will become busy and the large men will take him again.
As you can see the ride was amazing. Sheila was talking about her trip and lots of stuff. I totally miss her at the ranch. I think that she is so important.  Kanti was so cool but we weren't near each other as usual.  Cathy was behind me on Taboo.  She was kinda quiet.  I like when the boarder or a leaser rides with the ride.  Bobby at the end of my visit said that if I want to go out an there isnt a ride that I could take a horse with Kanti anytime.  It was a huge step for me.  Bobby is pretty cool.