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Sunday, March 3, 2013

Sarah, Akiva, Malaki, Cathy, Tabu and Snowing

So glad to ride today.  It has been snowing all morning and Kanti just got back from England.  She probably shouldnt but she made it for a 12 noon with me.  She texted me from BC because her flight was delayed from England in British Columbia.  Sarah let me know on FB text that there was a huge ride Sunday (today) and it would be best to come earlier.  I guess it was a GirlScout troop. As I said it was snowing all day.  I was so afraid it was going to turn to rain.  The conditions of the trails were different than slippery like last week.  They were some spongy ice that the horses would stand on and then it would suddenly break through into the icy water underneath.  It made me think it was too difficult to ride for the poor little horses.

Thank goodness it was pretty and snowy today.  Funny thing is it didnt show up in the pictures.  When I left at 2ish there was no sign of a huge ride.  Maybe they chickened out.  The farm had so many horses saddled. I know it took a while.

Oh yeah, I forgot to say, Malaki while we were going up the large hill at the end, he bit little Akiva in the butt.  Well she reared up and Sarah had total control. It may be the Malaki doesn't like Tabu near his butt thats the only thing I can think.  I was mad at him but Sarah totally controlled Akiva.

Also the ride was so cool not only did we see 4 beautiful deer with giant white tails cross and running but the horses saw a crack across the trail in the ice that had water flowing and each horse treated it like a crack in the ground.  Cathy was behind me on Tabu and she said that they think that it is a break in the ground.  And it did look like that.  Akiva is growing with Sarah's help she analyzed the crack in the ground and then quickly jumped over it with Sarah.  You should have seen how cool it looked and I said loudly how proud I was at Akiva.  You know she had has so much potential for a little horse.  :) so cool. Oh yeah Malaki jumped it too very quickly too.  He's a really good boy.
Im pretty sure Smokey and Duke could smell carrots.

Here is where the deer ran across the trail.  The jumped so high than ran into the trees on the left.

Instead of avoiding the lake we went around.  

Sarah with Pedro and the older horse.

Heading out to be going around the lake.

Looks chilly for the rope swing.

Malaki, they say he is about 20 years old.  He doesnt seem it.  He's like a youngin.

Malaki and Foxie.  With Sarah too.

Railroad Bridge it looks pretty everytime I cross it.  Akiva was feeling worried about crossing the bridges.  Sarah is working with her.

Kanti took the camera and it was a good thing.  She took some good ones of Duke, Malaki and Smokey. 

Kanti with my boy Duke and her boy Bogie.

Malaki looking at me.  Hes a sweetie.

Here he is again.  I think he smells carrots.

Sarah is putting on Malaki's  harness with a magic carrot trick.

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