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Saturday, March 16, 2013

Huge ride today, about 40, I helped with Yogi

It was a big ride. Kanti has been organizing us and I like it. She makes sure that we talk during the week and then she comfirms the night before and the morning of the ride.  She and Cathy agreed that either 12 or 1pm would work. This morning they agreed 1pm.  When I called to schedule the ride was pretty full 9 people and when we left it was about 12.  Wow a family of like 5, then 3 then Kanti, Cathy and myself.  Cassie was on lead with a cool appi called Cheyenne.  He was so sweet.  I was directly behind with Blue. Blue is a good man. I had stopped on the way at the grocery store and picked up the carrots. I like when they are smaller so I can break them up and give them to figaro, Pedro, Herman and all the sweet little ones. I got there ran to the bathroom and then got ready to jump on. All the riders that were there as guests were a bunch of girls that acted like they had trail experiences but were English riders and they were really tight on the reins.  I know for a western horse it is terrible for the horses.  Anyway they were almost unexperienced because they were giving mixed signals to the horses which were behaving great.
Kanti wanted me to ride another ride but I felt like it may be too busy.  There were a bunch of little kids and a few speaking some other strangle language and yelling. I thought maybe tomorrow. Kanti went out on the next ride with the next group.  Kathy took Tabo and walked her around the field.  She looks so happy.  Tabo has been coughing some on our rides. She is better today.
I walked around the ranch and enjoyed the sweet animals.  I had a pocket of carrots.  The only horse left was Toby.  Maybe I should have went with them.  But its nice to hang out.  The water crank was broken so the tub was filling like crazy.  Young Bobby was trying to help buy getting a flashlight and he didnt have any batteries.  Then there was a man with a small child walking around.  I saw that Young Bobby was geting impatient so I walked around him to see what he was saying.  he seemed totally annoyed.  I listened and he was mad because Yogi the little pony was running away while he was getting him ready.  I asked if I could help.  He said he didnt know what I could do.  I said I can do this,   I HAVE CARROTS.  Bobby said, lets go.  I went down they gave me the line with the fastener at the end and I went over with him to the pen wre the mine horses and ponies were kept.  All the animals ran like hell when Bobby came in the area. I said he better stay back and i bent down and started to feed the minis like honey and the other little brown horses. Well it wasnt about 1min  before Yogi was afraid he wasnt getting any carrots and I was able to hook his bridal.  He was cute. He has sweet eyes but I know he gets very annoyed.  So I gave him tons of carrots while he was getting saddled. Then I waited until he returned to give him tons more carrots as a reward.  He was cute.
I felt like I could help again.  I dont need to always ride on a horse I just like to be around them and around the farm with all the animals. Fred the stallion was a beautiful helper for me.  He is goine now but I will never forget him. He helped me to feel needed.  St said I was like Snow White. I couldnt have asked for a better thing to be.

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