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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Duchess leads us on the Muddy Snowy Trails, sure-footed Marmaduke keeps me on the trail

I wasn't sure again if I wanted to ride.  The 10am was coming back with a large amount of people.  I was in the barn in with Lori.  She was brushing down Apache.  I like her and think she is pretty smart.  Sarah was on the ride with Cassie and Kanti.  It looked like a large ride was for 11, but it ended up being 3 pretty cool looking guests, they were wearing special black scarves and long dresses. They looked cool and the man with them was tall and he rode Duke.  Cassie was worried I was upset that Duke was with someone else but I was happy to be there.  I like Marmaduke but my guy is Duke. I could see him behind me while we rode.  He was doing a great job. The ice was slick but because it was 50+ degrees it had a certain crunchy-ness to it.
As I was at the water barrels Cassie came around the corner and was riding Duchess.  She said that Duchess had been in for most of the winter and this was her first time out.  As she was in the lead and the rest of the group were in the back of the line because the family was riding, Duke, Freckles and Foxie who has to be the last in the line.  So Cassie asked that I (Marmaduke) go in front of them. So Marmaduke was reluctant to go forward and I didn't understand why.  As I couched him to go ahead of Duke, Duke looked at me and snapped at him.  I was shocked by this behavior because Duke is a sweetheart.  Cassie said that Marmaduke was the lowest in the herd pecking order.  As I forced Marmaduke ahead and the remainder of the line followed me away from the barrels toward the trail head.
The trails were still icy, snowy and muddy, all at the same time.  It was almost confusing.  Marmaduke was firm on the ice, snow and mud, I saw the other horses slip behind me on certain spots of the area that were icey. We went the trail that goes into the lake areas down the hill take a ride and loop back.
I began using a new App on my iPhone that makes having an iPhone worth while because it uses the GPS to track me on the trails.  Its pretty cool.  Anyway I told Cassie about it and on the cut off for the walk/ride area she had started to download.

Sarah with a family group getting ready.  Belle and Freckles I think are ready to ride.

Val took this amazing picture of Marmaduke and I getting ready to go out on the trail.
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The field less the snow.

Lexie , Kanti Lori

Riding to the right of the right in the trails to avoid the icy trails in the split part of the trails.

Cassie loading up Duke, working hard

Icey Trails with Marmaduke, Duchess and the dog.

Everyone heading back

O the trails are muddy.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Second week with the New Big Guy on a new trail with Leasers

Great day.  I was so happy just to feel good  and be with Duke.  When I got there a ride was out and Lori was working with Apache.  I saw that Duke and Domino were in the far stalls.  I asked Lori if she could help me get Duke so  I could brush him down.  I was excited.  He was so cute.  When I was combing him with the metal brush he started to do tricks like I have never seen.  So cute.
He was magical.  I was so happy he recognized me.  He was so happy I was doting on him.  I wish I was at the farm more.  Lori and I brushed out our horses.  When I got to the farm I saw there were not many cars as I went down the dirt road I saw a real Blue Bird and then it was a pair of Blue Birds.  So beautiful.

I tried the new app for my ride today.  I liked it but I forgot to turn if off for about 20 minutes after the ride.  Our short ride was about 20 minutes then I got off The New Big Guy, and walked around sharing carrots and getting into trouble.  I finally realized that I still was being tracked GPS by the app.  Dufus.  When I figure it out it will be fun.
 I went back with the New Big Guy Marmaduke to give him a thank you carrot or two.  He posed for me.  We then did a Selfie together.  He's so cute!

 Here is a little pic I took with Kanti and Sarah for Barb to let her know we are thinking about her.  Foxie was so cute.

Tonto looks so lonely in the barn.  I wish he would feel better soon.  He looks like he's got the energy.  I have a feeling it will be soon.
Sarah took us on the greatest ride.  We went off trail at the bottom of the rock wall after the hill.  She was on the straight a way and then suddenly we were going down into the woods.  The trails were much improved.  IT was a great idea.  She claimed the horses get her back to the farm but I know better.  It was a great ride.  Just the Leasees.  Sarah leading and Lori, the girl who loves Smokey, Kanti on Bogie and myself.  Beautiful short ride and it was great to get out there.  I spent so much quality time with Duke I was happy just to be in the area.  It was very nice.

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Riding again this weekend, Rode with Sarah, Cathy and the New Big Guy

Great ride today.  It was sort of un expected.  When I got to the farm there wasn't a scheduled ride but Sarah said she'd go out with me and Cathy took Tabu too.  It was beautiful out but there was so much ice and water.  I liked this this new Big Guy, Sarah calls Marmaduke.  He was a sweet guy and very sure-footed.  It was windy but about 50 I still needed gloves and wore a hat.  The sun was strong later in the ride.
Sarah getting ready with me.

Great shot of Hawk being careful with his footing.  He was a sweet boy today.

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The trails at first were snowy and watery then muddy and then around the lake they became icey and watery.  The horse I rides footing was so strong. He even stepped into the areas that I thought were too icey.  We went with the dog, Fletcher.  I am usually nervous about other dogs on the trails and where they are not leashed I get very nervous.  There were about 6 dogs on the trail, one man held his dog while we passed.  The next bunch of dogs were with their owners and I became uncomfortable because I was worried about Fletcher and maybe one of the other dogs not being very nice.  The owners did not hold them.  I guess after getting bitten a few times by vicious dogs when I was a kid.
Anyway the trails became more water and slippery snow.  Tabu was leading and she was getting tired by the near end of the ride.  At one point we all trotted in the soft snow.  It was exciting.  My new horse, "The big guy" was easy to ride with today.  he will be a real fun guy to go out on in the spring when the trails are better.  I missed Duke but he was in the dining area and he was filthy dirty.  He came when I called him so he's a "Good Boy".  It was fabulous to ride with Sarah and Cathy.  Life is good and I feel lucky to go to the farm.  I was pretty tired the rest of the day.

Here are both of the new guys in the far field.  Nice Guys.

Visiting Big Guys.  One of them is very shy and the other is all about carrots.

Dirty Duke Ha Ha

Selfie with Duke

Cute goasts and the black sheep.  My little sweet sheep is in with the minis.

Big Guy after our ride. I got off on the ground. He may be bigger than  Duke but not Hershey.

The field with the Big Horses that are visiting.

Beautiful Bogie getting some carrots.