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Saturday, March 29, 2014

Duchess leads us on the Muddy Snowy Trails, sure-footed Marmaduke keeps me on the trail

I wasn't sure again if I wanted to ride.  The 10am was coming back with a large amount of people.  I was in the barn in with Lori.  She was brushing down Apache.  I like her and think she is pretty smart.  Sarah was on the ride with Cassie and Kanti.  It looked like a large ride was for 11, but it ended up being 3 pretty cool looking guests, they were wearing special black scarves and long dresses. They looked cool and the man with them was tall and he rode Duke.  Cassie was worried I was upset that Duke was with someone else but I was happy to be there.  I like Marmaduke but my guy is Duke. I could see him behind me while we rode.  He was doing a great job. The ice was slick but because it was 50+ degrees it had a certain crunchy-ness to it.
As I was at the water barrels Cassie came around the corner and was riding Duchess.  She said that Duchess had been in for most of the winter and this was her first time out.  As she was in the lead and the rest of the group were in the back of the line because the family was riding, Duke, Freckles and Foxie who has to be the last in the line.  So Cassie asked that I (Marmaduke) go in front of them. So Marmaduke was reluctant to go forward and I didn't understand why.  As I couched him to go ahead of Duke, Duke looked at me and snapped at him.  I was shocked by this behavior because Duke is a sweetheart.  Cassie said that Marmaduke was the lowest in the herd pecking order.  As I forced Marmaduke ahead and the remainder of the line followed me away from the barrels toward the trail head.
The trails were still icy, snowy and muddy, all at the same time.  It was almost confusing.  Marmaduke was firm on the ice, snow and mud, I saw the other horses slip behind me on certain spots of the area that were icey. We went the trail that goes into the lake areas down the hill take a ride and loop back.
I began using a new App on my iPhone that makes having an iPhone worth while because it uses the GPS to track me on the trails.  Its pretty cool.  Anyway I told Cassie about it and on the cut off for the walk/ride area she had started to download.

Sarah with a family group getting ready.  Belle and Freckles I think are ready to ride.

Val took this amazing picture of Marmaduke and I getting ready to go out on the trail.
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The field less the snow.

Lexie , Kanti Lori

Riding to the right of the right in the trails to avoid the icy trails in the split part of the trails.

Cassie loading up Duke, working hard

Icey Trails with Marmaduke, Duchess and the dog.

Everyone heading back

O the trails are muddy.

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