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Saturday, March 15, 2014

Riding again this weekend, Rode with Sarah, Cathy and the New Big Guy

Great ride today.  It was sort of un expected.  When I got to the farm there wasn't a scheduled ride but Sarah said she'd go out with me and Cathy took Tabu too.  It was beautiful out but there was so much ice and water.  I liked this this new Big Guy, Sarah calls Marmaduke.  He was a sweet guy and very sure-footed.  It was windy but about 50 I still needed gloves and wore a hat.  The sun was strong later in the ride.
Sarah getting ready with me.

Great shot of Hawk being careful with his footing.  He was a sweet boy today.

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The trails at first were snowy and watery then muddy and then around the lake they became icey and watery.  The horse I rides footing was so strong. He even stepped into the areas that I thought were too icey.  We went with the dog, Fletcher.  I am usually nervous about other dogs on the trails and where they are not leashed I get very nervous.  There were about 6 dogs on the trail, one man held his dog while we passed.  The next bunch of dogs were with their owners and I became uncomfortable because I was worried about Fletcher and maybe one of the other dogs not being very nice.  The owners did not hold them.  I guess after getting bitten a few times by vicious dogs when I was a kid.
Anyway the trails became more water and slippery snow.  Tabu was leading and she was getting tired by the near end of the ride.  At one point we all trotted in the soft snow.  It was exciting.  My new horse, "The big guy" was easy to ride with today.  he will be a real fun guy to go out on in the spring when the trails are better.  I missed Duke but he was in the dining area and he was filthy dirty.  He came when I called him so he's a "Good Boy".  It was fabulous to ride with Sarah and Cathy.  Life is good and I feel lucky to go to the farm.  I was pretty tired the rest of the day.

Here are both of the new guys in the far field.  Nice Guys.

Visiting Big Guys.  One of them is very shy and the other is all about carrots.

Dirty Duke Ha Ha

Selfie with Duke

Cute goasts and the black sheep.  My little sweet sheep is in with the minis.

Big Guy after our ride. I got off on the ground. He may be bigger than  Duke but not Hershey.

The field with the Big Horses that are visiting.

Beautiful Bogie getting some carrots.

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