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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Second week with the New Big Guy on a new trail with Leasers

Great day.  I was so happy just to feel good  and be with Duke.  When I got there a ride was out and Lori was working with Apache.  I saw that Duke and Domino were in the far stalls.  I asked Lori if she could help me get Duke so  I could brush him down.  I was excited.  He was so cute.  When I was combing him with the metal brush he started to do tricks like I have never seen.  So cute.
He was magical.  I was so happy he recognized me.  He was so happy I was doting on him.  I wish I was at the farm more.  Lori and I brushed out our horses.  When I got to the farm I saw there were not many cars as I went down the dirt road I saw a real Blue Bird and then it was a pair of Blue Birds.  So beautiful.

I tried the new app for my ride today.  I liked it but I forgot to turn if off for about 20 minutes after the ride.  Our short ride was about 20 minutes then I got off The New Big Guy, and walked around sharing carrots and getting into trouble.  I finally realized that I still was being tracked GPS by the app.  Dufus.  When I figure it out it will be fun.
 I went back with the New Big Guy Marmaduke to give him a thank you carrot or two.  He posed for me.  We then did a Selfie together.  He's so cute!

 Here is a little pic I took with Kanti and Sarah for Barb to let her know we are thinking about her.  Foxie was so cute.

Tonto looks so lonely in the barn.  I wish he would feel better soon.  He looks like he's got the energy.  I have a feeling it will be soon.
Sarah took us on the greatest ride.  We went off trail at the bottom of the rock wall after the hill.  She was on the straight a way and then suddenly we were going down into the woods.  The trails were much improved.  IT was a great idea.  She claimed the horses get her back to the farm but I know better.  It was a great ride.  Just the Leasees.  Sarah leading and Lori, the girl who loves Smokey, Kanti on Bogie and myself.  Beautiful short ride and it was great to get out there.  I spent so much quality time with Duke I was happy just to be in the area.  It was very nice.

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