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Friday, January 23, 2015

Friday, 2:30pm out of work go to see Duke at the barn, about 35 degrees

It was nice to arrive at the farm with Theresa, Bobby, Sandy and Bob.  When I got there Bogie was heading it for the night at 3pm.  I checked to see if everyone there would be hanging out for a while so I could get Duke and brush him out a bit.  He looks very nice I guess all the rain and snow has helped keep his coat so nice.  There paddock area looked icey, snow and mud. It was a mixed bag.  When I went to get Duke, the dirt roadway to the dining room.

When I got there, Blue comes over first every time.  I called Duke and he and Domino came to the gate so I could let him out.  Duke sort of got the others away from the gate so I could quickly hook him on the halter and and bring him into the barn for a visit.

Theresa said that he and Hershey were found after a game of halter tag with Duke's halter broken and Hershey's on his head all crocked.  It made me laugh. I have to order a new comfortable halter for him.  He's so cute.  I love that he is with his friends playing.

I grabbed his stuff from the tack barn and then grabbed him from the paddock and then hooked him on the rail.  He was pretty good about the shelf on the rail but he was kinda naught about being lippy. He also needs to stand still when I am working on him.  I need to make sure I can keep him  in a more safe position when I am brushing him out.

Bobby was smiling, I was glad because he wasn't happy last time.  I told him how I had gone to Colorado Springs riding and they charged me 10 for a printed picture of myself on Brian the horse. I thought that Theresa would do so good with some photography at the ranch.  He told me that he's excited about a few things.  He said he is planning a farm wedding.  I was pretty happy to see the look on his face.  He beamed at the idea, and shared a few details.  Wow this sounds amazing.
He also asked me how many pictures I thought I had and we talked about my 5 years of taking tons of pictures around the farm.  You know it is a nice thing to keep track of rides, horses people weather changes . . . Everything.

I did get to give the goats, Pedro and the little lamb a snack too.  I walked on the ice carefully but its worrisome to think how difficult it must be for Bob to walk and not fall.  I hope he is taking care of himself. Today he was in a much better mood.  It was a nice quiet winter day visit to Duke and the farm.

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