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Saturday, January 3, 2015

Little Ride to Groton Woods, Duke and I got a lesson or twoq

When I got to the barn I thought I was late and still so cold.  It may have gotten out of the teens. So it was about 25 degrees by the time we got on the trails.  Only Amy, and Kanti were there from the group riding.  Amy was clearning up one of the chestnut horses.  Kanti had Bogie out but was chatting with Theresa and Lexie.  I got Duke from his stall, and brought him over to the rail after Amanda left with Stetson.  I brought Duke over and then as I was getting my gear from the little Tack house, Laurie arrived as I was walking back.

It was so cute that Duke was totally filthy with dirt and the girls, Lexie and Bryce helped me get the dirt off of Duke.  It was so fun to get him all tacked up.  Hes a total cutie.  I was adoring him as I brushed him out.  Id love to just go brush him out and let him go back into the field.  Anyway, Amanda said that there was a 10 ride and that there was only one perosn on it.  Sandy was going to come in and get Shenen's shoes done.  The guy Rick I thnk his name is that brings his boxer dog, with the white van.  I saw Bobby today he was in a good mood.
Anyway I got him tacked and asked for some back up from Theresa to make sure that I can get the headstall and bit in Duke's mouth safely.  It went in so fast.  It works great with some people with me.  When Bryce and Lexie was going to watch, I asked them not too because I get uncomfortable.  Then poor Kanti came over too and I asked her to not watch too. Everyone was nice.  Theresa had mentioned that she was thinking its alot easier when people are not standing around watching.  She's right.  I got it in and then was ready, I took Duke over with the other horses in the corral.  He was so happy to eat hay.
We all left out the front as usual near the water barrels.  The ground was hard but there were giant hoof holes and spots that had ice partically frozen and with sharp glass like pieces.  Duke was pretty good following and when we got to the edge of the farm at the brids nest, where we went into the soft oak leaf lined trails of the woods. There is a very cool stonewall at the top of the ridge and we go down the ridge hill and ride at the bottom of the hill along until we reach the back end of the trails.  Amy and Laurie were at the back and Kanti, myself and Cathy were in front.  I am very pleased to ride iwth Cathy today.  She's wise.  Today Cathy said that she learned that horses are subtle and if you change little things it ca make a big difference in your ride.  She had me tuck underneath and it helped my saddle seat riding during the trots.

Kanti asked if everyone wanted to go around the lake or to Groton Woods.  Honestly I like or love the lake but Kanti, and Laurie love Groton woods. So I didnt say anything as they spoke we had enough time to go to Groton.  I know the girls love to run all the time.  Cathy rode today and had requested specifically that Duke lead after the corner and on the straight a way that he hates with the huge puddle and the side trail that is not solid.As we approached the areas that connect the trails to Groton, the straight away, Bogie was not going or listening to some of her cues to trot.
Working with Duke today, I asked him to wait as we went over the bridge so that there was only one at a time on the bridge.  He was excellent

Kanti asked if we wanted Duke to lead.  He was kinda of strange today.  As I asked him to Trot he went into as Cathy called it, and Dressage trot in place.  I was having soem difficulty getting him to move along.  He hates that part of the trails.  At times some horses try to pull up the trails to go back home instead of go out for the next few miles of trails.
Duke was getting mixed signals from me about going into the edge trail around the gigantic pool of water that is now thick and frozen. I feel that Cathy and I had not ridden together in a long time.  She today, took me under her wing for working with Duke.  He was not himself and as she said I was giving mixed signals.  Duke went into the trails and at one point turned around to go home because he felt the grounds was not solid or he didint like it.  Then when I pulled him back he turned toward the swamp with deep water and stepped toward it.  I was very confused he almost didnt listne to me asking him to turn forward away from the deep water and deep mud and get to the other side of short trail.

Well Cathy told me I have to be much sterner with Duke.  I worked with him in the dangerous mud, ice, frozen side trail.  He got scared at one point and Cahty told me to be stern and make him follow the trail evne though he didnt want to go into the mud but it was more solid.  He eventually listned and then I trotted with him to the end of the straight away even though he was feeling like not trotting.  Cahty kept after me and aske dme to count 1, 2 1,2 1,2 and keep that pace with him. She then took the lead afte rhe listened to me completely.  The ride was excellent at that point on.  I loved riding with Cathy. I felt confidant about her being sure we were safe.  Most other rides I do not feel that comfortable in Groton Woods.

Rock Walls of Groton Woods

I enjoyed the ride on the two rock walls Duke crossed with out a prob, and Duke's trot was much smoother.

Heading toward edge of Dog Pound
We went through the blue marked trails at the school and came to the dog pound.  I am amazed at how the horses are totally tramatized by the constand barking of the tens of dogs on the fence that we ride next to.  The dogs are practically barking at the hoofs of the horses.  But they were such good boys.

We got out of that part of the woods and began to go into the thick brush,  Cathy took the lead and was going through the woods thick,  As she and Taboo waked up a hill and then through two trees I noticed it was a tight squeeze I believe that Duke was choosing to go on the other trees opening.  As he did there was a tree branch down across the opening.  As I saw it I pulled back on Duke to not contineu and I saw that it was possibly the best passable area for his size.  The branch was low so I would normally duck down on the front over Duke's head.  But this time the branch was approaching me quickly so I decided I could lean back and limbo undser it sort of.  When what happened next was so interesting.  I leaned back and Duke slowly  proceeded and then as I leaned back more I couldnt clear the branch and I leaned backcaught on branch and was slowly slide off Duke's rear quarter andlanded on the hard ground.  I was not hurt.  Everyone Kanti, Laurie and Amy was amazined that I had not been hurt and that I slide off the back so elegantly.  Kanti called it a yoga move and Amy said it was elegant.  I was so happy to be totally unhurt. Duke saw what happened and the look he gave me showed he really freaked out.    He was keeping his head near me.  I thank god for such a sweet horse.  Well now I convinced everyone I was not hurt and we looked for a good place for me to get back on him. I walked Duke up the hill andover a stream.  Then  I tried stnading on some logs but they were small.  The girls saw a tank and we walked over there.  It was difficult to get Duke to stand still becasue if I took the reins too tightly he backed up, like a good horse.  I had to keep them loose but then he began to steal oak leaves.  It took a while and Cathy thought that if she held the saddle on the other side I could keep the saddle from sliding.
 It worked and I had the most wonderful ride back to the barn.  What a good boy but I need to ride with Cahty so much more.  I cant wait!

Brushing out Duke for the cool down before he went back

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