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Saturday, January 17, 2015

My wonderful growing relationship with Duke

It has been easy to form a loving bond with my horse, he has worked with me, taught me important lessons over time and become a great friend.  He has had patience with me and also kept his fun loving natural horse self that is so beautiful to experience.
I have made so many important relationships for our time together so far,  When we are together it is a continuation of the last time I left him.  I am always wishing I did have to leave for so long.  He continues to amaze me and make me learn new things..
Our time spent together is a valuable experience of growing and learning that keeps me feeling alive and part of the world.  There is so much more for me to learn, I need be be sensitive, and understanding at the same time firm. I need to have to more discipline for myself and my horse. I have felt such joy just knowing him.
 I can't read this enough times.  I feel the same way.

8 Reasons you should love these under appreciated animals.

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