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Sunday, June 7, 2015

Therapy from my Duke, he fell asleep in my arms, we went out for a ride, 80 deg, then grazed


I couldn't wait to brush I'm out.  When I went to get him he saw went to the back the barn.  H waited at the back door. I yelled at him that I get him from the gate. He waited for a while and then he came to meet me.  While I was waiting Pete and Journey were running back and forth so fast.  They are so sweet. Then duke came to the gate and Pete stood so near it that I was afraid that he was going to sneak out. I had to let him know that I need him to step back.  Well I got Duke and brought him back to the rail.  He was very happy to walk quickly with me.  I did his feet first. He was very good.  then when I was working on his rear left, he stomped so much.  Very hard into the ground. I went to pic his foot up.  He was so uncomfortable.  I brushed him and gave him hoof snacks.  We hung out to gether.  I had gotten there right at 10 so I thought I Had missed the Kanti, Barb ride.  Then skipped the 11 ride.  When Laurie, Amy, Sandy and Cathy got back I was sitting with duke relaxing.  As Laurie talked about her stuff, I stroked Duke's nose until he fell asleep in my arms.  I kept my arm under him.  Sandy was pretty impressed that Duke was so relaxed.  He said that Duke was very into me love and he really was soothed.  I was very complimented.  Im glad to have had that time.  It was amazing.  He was so relaxed as I put him together.  I even put his bridle on backwards and he forgave me.  I finally slipped it on correctly.  I was worried about him on the ride so I sprayed him alot.  I need to get him a fly mask.  The 2 hours grooming alone was so for me.  Im a lucky lady.


In the Ring
Today was great for training with Duke.  We both
spend some time with his grooming, snacked, spent
 a lot of time hanging out, and skipped the 11 and
 actually took a ride at 12 noon,  then went into
the out door ring.  I put 2 shine red apples on a
board with my jug of water.  I took a bite out of
 mine and then I went into the ring with him.
  I walked around with him a few times, then
 I got on him in the center of the ring and he
was ready to go.  He knew it was time to trot
with me.  First time alone with me.  He acts
like its a choppy trot but I know soon we
will be cantering in the ring.  I tried to get
on him quickly with no step. I can barely
get my foot in the stirrup and up on him.
I think he must of laughed.
Maybe we will be cantering in the
ring soon.
Just hanging around grazing the beautiful day before going back with the herd
The ride


There were 2 families with Moms Dads and the kids. They all wanted to trot so it was a relaxing little ride.  Amanda, Olivia, Theresa and Katie were working on the ride. I was able to control Duke so much better than in the past.  He took the last spot and It worked out great because I was behind Olivia and Katie.  He coughed a little.  We were able to see if the left back foot was really a problem as he was saying or did he need to stomp for the bugs. I don't have his fly mask yet. I need to buy one this week for him.  I sprayed him and it worked pretty good. I was a small ride and I enjoyed it.

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