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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Sunday alone with Duke

Came around 1130 and everyone from the group had ridden and talked all morning and was on their way out.  It sounded fun because . . . Domino went with Sandy.  Kanti seemed happy and they all talked about how fun the ride was this morning.  I put went down and Duke and the rest of th guys were still in the barn.  I was running down to get Duke out. Theresa left him in and Katie was letting the others out as I was walked quick down the bend.  When I went into the barn, Duke was kicking as her heard me call his name.
Well I brought him in and the ride went out, I spent lots of time with Duke putting him together then we went out following the ride.  Duke was excited but when he trotted he sounded a little off on his steps.  Im not sure what was up like he was missing a shoe.  I  ignored it then he did too.  We rode for a while and caught up iwht Lexie and he trotting group.  I went on the back end of them and got in about two more trots.  Duke trotted most of the way there. He was pretty good. We had a nice ride the ladies were very nice and Theresa was behind us.  I was talking to Duke the whole time that we were alone. He's getting better and even better is I feel so much more confidant with him.  Maybe he trusts me a bit.
I want to keep taking him on rides and breaking away form the ride and catching up.  I am pretty anxious about the dirt bikes, possibly being able to catch up somehow.  I do trust Duke to listen to me.  We went back, he was behind Pumpkin and she was very slow today. Hd didn't tailgate.  Im proud of him. I think he's getting better with me.
After the ride I helped out a bit with the kids getting off.  duke posed with some people after the ride. I loved it.  He was pretty snacky.  We went into the ring and did some trotting aboutk the goats were bugging me but Mama Lam was so sweet I gave her lots of peanut butter sandwiches.  The big black sheep is not doing good. He blinded himself and he's got too many burrs on him.  The little lamb Dodge is getting so big, too bid.  Little mama looks great.  The goats were trying to steal the crackers and Dukes snacks I hid them with us in the ring.
He did good in the ring and Im glad he mounted with me much better and he did pretty good mounting on the ramp too.  He's getting to care about me more.  I used lots of gentle cues this week and I think he liked it.  He was perfect with his hoofs.  I asked nice and talked to him the whole time. I do love him and how he tries to help me with the things we are doing.  He's a sweet guy.  Cant wait to see him again.
Before we left I put the saddles back Cassies and the 2 of Amandas, the tack sale was fun yesterday with Val in Billerica, bought lots of cool stuff.

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