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Saturday, February 20, 2016

60+ Degrees with sweet breezes at Prospect Hill Farm then Time with Duke

Prospect Hill Farm

Lesson with 

Kelsey Richardson  

Visiting Proctor Farm and Kelsey, Selena with Stacie and Hannah.  IT was so fun and I learned so much.

Spending Time with Duke taking a snow covered warm ride alone

Great ride with Duke last week.  I still think he's kinda lame on the trails but I also think he thinks I should be riding with someone else, another horse.  It was very pretty last week.  We went out on th trails. Duke wanted to go onto the field so he could graze but we were tacked to go out for a short ride. It as nice to be alble to ride alone with Duke. I think he likes certain trails.  I did the back way and came out at the Barn.  When I was coming back onto the trails by the boarder barn Sergeants over on sergeant came trotting out from the woods. I had a wonderful walk.  

Duke was surprising me, he chosose to walk the high path that was tilted and had ice mud and snow, I thought it was too tricky footing to be out there.  The other ladies went out to Groton but I went alone to walk and trot with Duke.  I feel so good going out with him alone and he's a good boy.  Ill even do more with him and he feels better.  Its very exciting and the trails are beautiful. I would have had more pictures if I had brought my camera but its too big and I was able to focus on Duke and our nice walk.

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