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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Peaceful Beauty at Farm, 3 deer on the snowy trails

Amazing Solo ride with Duke.  He gets out on the trails with me now alone, No problem.  Today he was so sweet.  I wanted to do his feet first but I got his saddle on so fast that it was pretty great to jump on him and head out alone.  I love the times with he and I alone.  I brought him into the woods.  Many trees down and I was being very cautious.  I know that I wanted to take it easy on Duke's foot and leg.  But not too easy.  We went out the rock wall way.  He likes that a lot. We went down like we were going into Bobs Trails, Duke favorite place and Duke went off trail into the woods.  I knew he was off trail and he did too.  I asked him nicely to loop back.  He did and it was working out great.  The snow was so wet and heavy it stuck in his feet.  Cassie and Theresa said that when they went out earlier the trees were so crazy that they didnt like it.  
Any way As I have been telling everyone in the world,
"Just after I took this picture -- 3 Deer suddenly jumped out of nowhere and leaped across our path. He stopped suddenly, just breathed a sigh and we watched together as they ran away down the hill. It was so exciting. He's getting so good with me."
He probably had heard the deer and i hadn't.  I was blabbing to him about this and that.  The deer were so beautiful I felt blessed today. 

Just after going up this hill Duke started getting so excited and trotting up the rocky snowy hill.  My saddle started sliding. I asked Duke to stop and I suddenly I landed on the ground.  It was so funny reminded me of the last time I "came off Duke" on to the ground.  Same thing, carefully riding and then my saddle slide over very quickly.  Duke was so excellent, I asked him to stop and he did. then I gave a bump on the ground.  I got up quick.  Cassie got off her horse quickly and helped me get the saddle back on and then I walked Duke back with the ride.  The man ahead of me "Manny", was so happy to be riding a horse.  He was from Dom Republic and has horses.  He got off too.  He jumped back on and then Cassie jumped on and we headed back.  I loved it. It made it so exciting.  We got back and did Duke's feet.  I gave him tons of snacks and he ran for them.  He is feeling so much better.  I am just feeling so good to see him happy again.
The kids later all went on a Guide Ride together.  Bob seemed happy enough too.  Bobby was there today, I let him know that I really appreciated his plow work on the farm.  My car gets right in and he has to plow the small bridge and the crazy dirt area and all the farm paths were ridden on too.  I saw that someone had taken the cart out on the trails to make sure they were safe.  I Like that a lot.

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