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Sunday, February 21, 2016

Spa Day 50+ sunny too

 Got to the farm and everyone looked ready to go out for a ride. I was not very interested in going out as far as they go.  I would like to keep Duke safe not sorry.  The stress on his foot makes me worry.  I have to make sure that he gets his supplements.  Im pretty sure that he's not getting them consistently.
Well I was over Duke before anyone had let home out yet.  The boys were revving to go.  Bentley waits with the Boarder horses.  I gave Jim a piece of apple.  The girls were coming around the bend and I was with Duke.  He was so interested in snacking any grass that might get between the snow that the was not very phased about this buddies all running like crazy to the field.  But the girls, Lexie, Laurie, Amy and Cathy's horses may have had another reaction.  They were reining in a bit to keep them calm.  Taboo was the one who seemed excited about it.
I ran as soon as I could get footing with the ice mud and puddles.
Today I was considering putting the Australian Saddle on Duke just to try it but I still need to learn some things.
Last night I made the arrangements with Kelsey for my lesson next weekend Saturday morning.  11am.  Im excited. Ill be on Selena, I hope I can handle it.  I think Im too big for her. Im hoping that it will be ok.
Today I just went over Duke coat and worked hard with him.  I was going to work his feet but I couldn't find the hardener.  I cleaned them up.  He stepped on my foot today and its kinda sore.  Also we bumped heads and it really hurt. His head is so cute. As I was working on his feet he was nice to just spend time with him and clean out my area in the tack shed.  I took some of the blankets home, folded things and threw away lots os things.

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