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Saturday, February 13, 2016

Jim and Duke, wicked cold, bright and windy today

So cold this weekend Colleen asked if  I was going over  to the farm and she wanted to come.  I was interested in getting Jim  into the  barn and grooming him a bit. I had to ask Bob and I let the girls know my intentions.  They thought it was a good idea and suggested that I bring Jim up to the barn and I could groom Duke and him  in the barn away from the super cold Saturday.  Honestly even with the wind the sun was so warm I would have gone into the woods for a quick walk to Bobs Trails and near the lake, if there was more time.  Jim was good, when I got him Colleen got Duke and he was semi cooperative.  I gave Duke's apple to Colleen and we all walked in together.  It was very nice.  I was the first person at the farm with Colleen and it was before 10am.  I was surprised.  We got both Duke and Jim and Laurie thought the boys were in the boarder barn and she walked all the way down and it was empty.  We got Jim he was very good.  I brought him through and we walked with me perfectly.  The barn was way too busy as usual I took the percherons and hooked them to the rail.  The other horses ran crazy around the ring and Lexie, Bryce, Laurie and Amy were in the ring going crazy.  Bryce was setting up jumps and she was jumping while the others were trying to get the horses some exercise.  
I didn't take any pictures of Jims tail but it had so much burrs in his tail, mane and all over.  I got my Showsheen and just working on him for about 45 min.  

Colleen was working with Duke and he seemed very happy together with her.  Jim was great and when we were done I put the lead line back on and we started outside to see about a walk.  in the Barn I believe that Jim was far more uncomfortable than I thought because.  when we were leaving he began to look forward push his head up and show lots of power in his step.  He looked like he may try and break away.  I quickly asked Theresa to help me with him and she jumped in quick.  She stood in front of him and held on his lead line too to help slow him down. She spoke to him and we together walked quickly back to the herd.  I believe he felt a surg of anxiety being so far form the herd for su long.  Theresa actually said that he was very herd bound.  We went back and Jim was so relieved to get back to the rest of his buds.

Colleen was safely behind with Duke and we both took Duke for a quick walk up the hill near the trail herd and up the top to the field took some pics gave Duke some treats and supplements in his pail.  Off we went. I wa able to introduce Colleen to almost everyone and at the las minute, Terry and she talked about Marley and hows she is casually working with him to help the transition into the herd.
We then had a great day, met RAychel in Westward, grabbed lunch at Panera and 
went to European Wax Center and then went home.  Colleen and  had fun taking care of the horse in the cold on Satruday.  Sunday I think Im going to just drop by the farm and give Duke a snack.

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