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Sunday, April 17, 2016

Quiet Sunday Duke and I stayed in Outside Ring to heal

I wrote the below note to Barb this week and she said it Poetic, wow what a nice thing to say.

"I imagine us meeting very soon on a Sunday or Saturday for a leasuerly ride around the lake.
As always its a beautiful day early in the morning, We see the sun through the leaves glimmering on the lake. The horses are excited to be out in the morning.
We take a path we ususally dont up the side path on the straightaway and our horses are excited to go up the rocky path into the soft soil of the deeper woods.  We ride further up again and it levels out.  Very soon we come to a small stream where the horses want to smell the water and we cross the water that is passing through out paths.  Then up the hill again and we can see the green of back field of Bobbys through the trees.A sarm breeze picks up as we go to the left on a sand gravel path back ot the farm through the field stones from the back frield where the horses graze.
Sigh, I was imagining warm spring. Its not hard to do to find your happy place. :)"

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