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Sunday, April 10, 2016

Sunday afternoon in the Sun with Duke

Quality time in the outdoor ring
Picking up the Borelli Saddle for Melody to borrow
Took out some of the blankets to get washed, I think Ill get a lighter English for him because of his amazing shedding.
Its looking like I am going ot enjoy Duke in the English saddle cant wait until I can have Kelsey help me wiht my riding and with Duke
Jim may end up being sold to someone because hes not behaving and his owner abandon him at the farm.  This is bad news.
Duke seemed to be stiff today when we were working out in the ring.  I didnt ride I just walked him around a bit.  He was grumpy about it.  I worry about his arthiritus,  Yesterday he was all excited jumping like i had never seen.  He didnt like the screaming they were doing in the barn as they put up the hay.  He thought they were screaming in pain or in fear.  He jumped up and became extremely upset about the noise and the truck too. I think he tought he truck was dangersous
But when we rode by he was totally fine.
The University of New Hampshire went out on the trails today and after they came to see Duke and he was happy. I was able to take a quick pic of him.  They loved how he trotted iwht me without being on a lead line.  I was impressed too.

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