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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Peaceful today, Had the whole ranch to myself

I was feeling better but we got like 3 inches of snow this morning between 6 and 10. Leaving to the ranch around 12:45 was a better plan.  I went over and paid my board then grabbed Duke.  The cold wind was violent, the news said there were warnings about the weather.

Theresa and Katie were doing chores in the tack room.  They were burning some materials to fix some saddles.  I had grabbed Duke and brought him into the Barn.  It was him and the ladies plus some other horses.
He was touching noses and grabbin halters with the other horses. Duke seemed to flirt with acouple of the ladies.  It was nice.   He stayed tied and I began to brush him out.  Tons of his coat came out.  It took me a long time to get him brushed to the point that no hair was coming out.  He was extremely patient wth me as I lifted his hoofs today he lifted them like he never had.  I believe he is feeling amazing.  I had two apples, carrots and some peppermints for him.  It was los of fun today.  When I started to bring him back for the day just after I took the pictures of the herd whirling around  running in the grass.  As I was brining Duke back, eh walked next to me with such a spring in his step.  Hes making me so proud.  He ran the whole time next to me.  hes got such energy.  I love to spend time withhim.  Hes gotten so wonderufl.  Katie said his personality has bloomed since I have been hanging with him.  He had been trying to beg for a treat, he was being good by just raising his front leg and then waving it in the air to get attention.  Like a funny ham.   I thiink they like him.  Who wounldnt!

Any way I trotted him back to the herd and he woahed excactly when I told him well before the gate.  Im so proud of him.  Then as I began to go back him on one side of the fence and I on the other.  I asked him to run and he trotted then galloped then he did a buck during a gallop.  What a guy!  I was thrilled with his excitement to run with me for a treat at the end.  He did so good I gave him another apple treats too.  I was also able to give Winston, Pedro ( who had been following me around today for carrots and hoof snacks.  Last week, Duke saw me giving Pedro a treat and the gave me a crazy sound of mumble from his mouth.

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