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Saturday, April 16, 2016

Sunny windy, Duke's fetlock is sore, we walked 3.8 mile on trails

  • Got brushed out it was crazy furry for grooming, it was so nice working on Duke alone.  There was a ride at 11am and I watched them leave.  I learned later that Kanti, Terry and Laurie had gone out for a ride.  I didnt see them at all that day, only Laurie and Cathy.
  • Talked to Bobby about Dukes fetlock, he took a look at it and I also walked him to have him check it
  • Got Duke's bit and some reins and packed up my coat and some snacks and headed out we walked about 4 miles on the trails.  Duke was excellent holding on to my lead and walking along.  He evenn went into the water at the campsites when we walked into them.  We were by the water we walked alot on the ground and went up the steep path that he likes so much. I did notice that he kept a fast pace that may have been hard on his leg because it was sore.  I hope it wasn't too far.  
  • Cathy spent some time with Duke stretching, he was so good at it that Cathy was surprised he would jump up so fast on the rock even though his hoofs are so large.  I really made me proud.  He had actually impressed Cathy that he could get his back legs on the rock quickly and firmly.  I was pretty proud.  She worked iwth him with carrots.It made me think that I should get some carrots for Duke so he doesnt think I forgot how much he loves them.
  • As I was walking back with Duke in the boarder herd, Michelle came walking along on Hershey with a nice new friend, Elise.  She was happy as a clam and they have a great ride they said.  Elise seems like a nice lady and she said shed be back. 
  • At the end of our walk Duke went into the outdoor ring with me and I considered jumping on his back to rie a little bit. Also I wasnt very happy about my skills at getting on him when I dont have a saddle. Not putting my weight on his back along with him not feeling well about his leg made me take it easy on him when we got back.  I hope he'll feel better tomorrow.

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