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Sunday, December 4, 2016

Duke was walking 2 miles 4 days straight -- cold out

So fun this week.  I have gone out of work early Thursday, Friday, Saturday morning and then Sunday too.  Thursday was  warm out and I went over to see Duke at like 230 and went out to get him.  We went out across the street and he started doing that thing he does where he gives me lots of shit, backs up and spins.  He did it today too but I got all over him especially when Patti saw us and said, "don't let him do that, keep kicking and you might need a crop".


Friday -

Going out on Friday Duke was pretty good, but I walked him with no saddle and we went out into the field he went out to the cut through and we went around the big field and into the woods. On the way back he dipped into the woods but it was after I let him have a couple minutes of grass.  Stacie and Krystyn were taking out Johnny and Townes for a slow walk in the field.  All together he ended up with 2 miles in the field and a little bit of warm up too.  I feel we got out there and the whole time Duke was in my hand and he didn't eat any hay until I let him have some.  Walking in the woods he was excellent. When I got there Stacie was tacked and Krystyn was getting Johnny ready.  Stacie had mentioned that it would have been better if I had ridden, I was riding all week.  This was a good weed for exercise.  The sun was beautiful as Duke and I ran back the long trail on the inside field.  My goal is to get Duke to go back and forth on that trail just like Safari does.  Some time later we may get to that goal.




Saturday's ride after the Childrens party I had to do.  Duke was suppose to get his teeth floated or a dentist visit but some guy that Stacie arranged but I couldn't get there in the time that she scheduled because I was at the children's Christmas party.  I was feeling disappointed because I left the party and the dentist had already left the barn to go to another barn.  I felt like the people at the barn, Krystyn Stacie, just didn't care much if I had gotten Duke taken care of or not.  It was justified as we got that guy in at the last moment and you can just wait until next spring. I guess that is true but I really would have rather had Duke's dentist from before do it. I want to avoid the drugs. We every one left quickly and I was soon alone so I tacked up that guy and totally enjoyed the time alone and we jumped in the arena.  Duke is doing a little bit better sometimes as far as mounting is doing. It takes me on the 3rd attempt to get on now.  I feel a little bit of progress.  We rode in the arena and the other girls that shaves her horse was in the arenda doing formations with her horse.  At one point I was trying to get Duke to get a little bit of step going and we did some of the formations.  I could see he could get use to it and I would definitely ride with the more professional ladies that come to the barn that work with the more excitable horses. This could be a good thing that could rub off on Duke. I say this because the other horse on Saturday began to canter and do spurts of speeds in the arena with us and then Duke began to follow and picked up a few trots following him.  It was exciting for me and it was kinda cool to see that Duke can be influenced. So I think I will choose my friends for duke carefully. We will ride with a peppy horse.  Duke used to be a tail-gater, Im looking forward to him feeling like tail gaiting again.



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