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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Late Satureday Night with Duke

Came by late in the day.  I knew I would be at NASCAR on Sunday so I did all my homework I could on Saturday and then later in the day I went over.  It was basically just me.  Kristen was there and the lady with the huge horse was just coming in from a ride. Also there was a girl I think who is leasing Manny.
Well we went out and fooled around in the outside arena.  We walked around. I'm Not ready to ride yet.  I forgot his previcox so I had to bring it by after the Bruins Game.  So hot out and tired too.
Next visit dewormer.
* July/Aug-1 tube Pyrantel Pamoate
* Sept/Oct-1 tube 1.87% Ivermectin 

Saturday, September 23, 2017

Laura visits from Woodford Farm Vermont

Laura came down to work for a week and we got to go out to dinner. I like how easy going she is, I asked if she wanted to see Duke and she was delighted.  When we got there I spoke to him through his window and he spoke back made me so proud talking back.  We went in and took him out ot the field and he relaxed ate grass and a nice juice apple.  <3

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Duke got stung by a bee today

I always wondered what he would do if I was to slid off again. He stepped over away and then he spoke some horse talk and then he came back to me and stood.  I was hurt on the ground but I got up. We walked around together and I was trying to see if I was ok.  I felt better but that bone in my butt, felt that feeling. I was worried I was hurt but walked fine.  I took Duke by the halter reins, and walked around the arena and I brought him back to the spot where he was jumpy.  Sure enough on the ground were 2 bees nests at the bottom of the gate that goes between the two paddocks.  He was uncomfortable going over to the spot. I knew something was weird.  Then I looked and there the nests were. I took Duke to the field and let him graze on the grass while I was trying to see if I felt any better.  I'm sore but its ok.  I think that next time I should grab on to Duke's mane.
Today was the easiest time getting on him.  I put the stairs in the ring and then gave him a s nack and he waited so patiently while I was struggling to get on and for the first itme in a long time, he stood still while I was teetering on his back.  He was a super good boy considering what was going on.
When I got there here was the girl who helps waiting for a friend. It was about 430 and the horses were all put up eating. Duke was happy to see me.  He was covered with mud.  So cute. I cleaned him up and gave him a cleanin.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Such a great visit again after so long

Finally got over there to see that guy today. left work and headed out quick. Went home and got the wine and some TimTams for Bonnie. I cant imagine how difficult it has been for Bonnie and Krystyn. I got there and I was excited to see the new Duke that had moved in. I was worried that Duke would be 2nd fiddle. When the new guy sure is sweet and hes a Duke but his nick name is little Duke. This was a huge relief because I didnt want him compared to Duke. They call Duke, Big Duke now. Hes really doing great. He was happy to see me and he had a new paddock. Hes not with Doc/Dusty any more and that will work out for me. Glad ot see it. Hes next to Sarah's horse and hes was full of piss an vinegar. I'm happy to see it. I spent lots of time with him in the stall loving him and brushing him out. What a great feeling it was to finally give him a big huge and get back into taking care of him. Krystyn the sweet thing was working with Scotti and Dusty in the arena wot work with him to begin possibly pulling a cart. I had grapes and gave Dusty some grapes He loved them. Out to get Duke. We groomed together and I tacked him up and went into the arena only. Not bit Just his halter and the western saddle. He ws so jumping around. Hes feeling great wanted to trot so much. I think its time to get with Krystyn and work on my form and on his lessons to get him going again. I loved today. He did about a mile but he didn't want to get me off he wanted to prance around. Love him so much. What as sweet guy.
The last time I was with him was Aug 20th and we rode bareback. I got on him with out any problems and then we rode the arena. Today is Sept 8th. I think that its too much time with out him. Great to be back and already thinking about how soon Ill be out of school and I can work with him training.

New Duke is little Duke

After way too long we are at the barn together again. As soon as Duke sees me he makes that great sound letting me know with a snicker.
I asked Krystyn how she was doing as she was working with Scotti's Doc aka Dusty. I had grapes and shared them with Dusty after Scotti let me know it was ok to let him trying them.
I brought Duke in from his new paddock which was next to the old one. It seems when Musty and the other horse left to go back home they took the paddock fencing with them. Greenwood is building new paddock and fencing where the old one was with wooden fence posts painted white. I had a hoodie bad with TimTams Aussie wine and cookies. Bonnie was up later and smiled big when she checked it out
I spent all my time on his coat getting it smooth and clean again
It was a very satisfying thing to do. I'll be happy to get him back,
After a while I got his saddle on and no bit or bridle. Hi just put the reins on his halter in the arena
I'm really looking king forward to working with him again.