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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Duke got stung by a bee today

I always wondered what he would do if I was to slid off again. He stepped over away and then he spoke some horse talk and then he came back to me and stood.  I was hurt on the ground but I got up. We walked around together and I was trying to see if I was ok.  I felt better but that bone in my butt, felt that feeling. I was worried I was hurt but walked fine.  I took Duke by the halter reins, and walked around the arena and I brought him back to the spot where he was jumpy.  Sure enough on the ground were 2 bees nests at the bottom of the gate that goes between the two paddocks.  He was uncomfortable going over to the spot. I knew something was weird.  Then I looked and there the nests were. I took Duke to the field and let him graze on the grass while I was trying to see if I felt any better.  I'm sore but its ok.  I think that next time I should grab on to Duke's mane.
Today was the easiest time getting on him.  I put the stairs in the ring and then gave him a s nack and he waited so patiently while I was struggling to get on and for the first itme in a long time, he stood still while I was teetering on his back.  He was a super good boy considering what was going on.
When I got there here was the girl who helps waiting for a friend. It was about 430 and the horses were all put up eating. Duke was happy to see me.  He was covered with mud.  So cute. I cleaned him up and gave him a cleanin.

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