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Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Late Satureday Night with Duke

Came by late in the day.  I knew I would be at NASCAR on Sunday so I did all my homework I could on Saturday and then later in the day I went over.  It was basically just me.  Kristen was there and the lady with the huge horse was just coming in from a ride. Also there was a girl I think who is leasing Manny.
Well we went out and fooled around in the outside arena.  We walked around. I'm Not ready to ride yet.  I forgot his previcox so I had to bring it by after the Bruins Game.  So hot out and tired too.
Next visit dewormer.
* July/Aug-1 tube Pyrantel Pamoate
* Sept/Oct-1 tube 1.87% Ivermectin 

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