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Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Quality Time last Sept weekend

So much going and things I need to do but how can I spend time with Duke w/out rushing him?  Well I know the best thing to do it to make sure I just get there.  I had tons of chores at the house so I got up really early to do all the chores while I have the time.  Floors washed, things put away and cleaned laundry but still left the house to get to Greenwood at like 1:30 - 2pm.  Seemed late to me but I had so many things I did.
Stacey and Hannah were in the ailses sitting with Townes and Sienna. Later she had a ton of pictures and video of Hannah jumping in the arena.  I got Duke from out in the paddock, he was very chatty when I retrieved him from the gate.  Doc wasn't as jerky as he had been in the past. I had a few candies and apples.  I gave Duke and Doc an apple.  Brought Duke into his stall and brushed him out checked his feet (they look excellent and I applied his hoof care). I saw that his tail is getting all crazy bad. I did some work outs with Duke to get him going by chasing him back and forth in the arena.  He was so cute. I worked his tail especially to get it some conditioning. As they other guys were setting up the jumps, I was walking down the road and then over the side to the left field (Bonnies Field of 10 acres).  My big boy was so good, no stealing grass. We walked through the woods which is something I want to do regularly.  duke doesn't like to go behind the houses that are on the edge. lso he hates the new houses over with the pool and the dog.  We walked around the edges and I talked to Duke the whole time. I think he listens to me.  We walked through the woods into the big field. I told him that he can have some grass when we got through the woods. Also I spoke to him loudly so that if there were any deer in the area they would know when we are in the area and make deciiions on if they were going to stay or go deep into the woods.  Well I didn't have my camera and my phone was full but it was so beautiful and we had a fabulours walk in the woods. He was warmed up in the arena and then walked out in the beautiful day.  Back at the barn I let Duke onto the grass because he was so good.  Then back to the paddock what a nice horse and I love to spend time with him.  He appreciates me.
Sunday was even better I got their totally late but all of the nice quality time with Duke yesterday make it so I could jump right in with that guy.  June was at the barn with Scottie. Scottie did some very interesting work wth Doc.  She had him hooked up to work with out in the field near the roaedge using the harness and special set up to teach him how to pull a cart.  Its very interesting. Well I was strictly working with Duke and got his saddle cleaned it up and brushed his fur.  Today I put him on the cross tie and fixed up the stirrups that I had switched off of the black saddle. I tightened them up. We quickly went into the arena before I tacked him and walked around our usual walk while June and Cisco worked out in the arena.  I brought him back got him tacked and while June was outside I got him in the corner, through down the carrot pieces and jumped on his back. The position is working out. On the way over I thought I didn't have enough time to ride but Duke proved me wrong.  He was so cooperative and it took me 2 seconds to get him all ready to go out the stable back door around the grassy areas and out onto the road. Today the car engine had been revving and I didn't want to go out if the race car on the hill was acting crazy revving its engine.   They stopped so I could walk out onto the road with no cars coming.  I had carrots so when we got to the jump I gave him a snack and then on he went with out any problems.  He walked carefully and his shoes. were great and he stopped each time  I asked him to  and gave him his snacks.  We walked to Bonnies edge and we looked at turning around and I asked him if he wanted to go a little further and Duke was very excited to walk on on the big field and I had one of the most relaxing rides ever in the big field.  Usually the flies and bees made me nervous.  duke was sprayed up good and we had no fly mask, it was the perfect ride.  Raychel called me to see about meeting and I explained to her that I had one of the best rides Ive had in a long time.  I took him back to the barn walked around front and I decided to jump down off of him in the front. I went to give him some grass but decided he could eat a little bit at the barn and he got his apples and carrots with his apples too.  Back inot the beautiful day.  The temps.

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