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Saturday, October 20, 2018

Shampooed Duke's tail, rinsed and went for a walk in the sun

I was looking forward to seeing Duke today but I had to do a bunch stuff first. I got up early and started my chores.  Went to get my lashes tinted blue with Raychel at 12 then home and off to see Duke. As I came around the corner of Greenwood looking over the 15 acres of beautiful green grass, I could see there was one car at the barn and the fields looked empty. 
First thing I did was go get Duke from the paddock.  Doc is there and today he was less jerky than usual.  When I walk down the grass toward his paddock, Duke was looking right at me.  He then speaks up to say hello.  I couldn't be happier to have such a great horse.  I love him so much.  I brought him in and brushed him down.  I had his brushes washed and then I also put them in vinegar to make sure there was no fungus still.  I had the Fung-Off spray, Medicated Tail and Mane shampoo and some new medicated stuff that I brought but didn't use yet. I bought it at Valley Vet.  The orginal bottle of Fung Off was from Manny and Muke's, the  handle broke off as I started to use it.   I hosed off Duke's tail with water from the top to the bottom. Then I got the water from the sink, nice and warm and put in a couple of ounces of Medicated Tail and Mane.  The directions say to stir in the water and then soak his tail.  Then I needed to take a sponge or I used a clean rag and make a lather.  Leave on for 10min before rinsing off. As soon I was done his tail looked better.  I brushed it out gently while we were in the sun, Duke's grasing lightly on the grass in the big field.  Then I brought him in and tacked him up.  He looked great! I went into the arena put the mounting block in the courner and dumped Hoof Snax on the ground quickly jumped on his back.  I think that his bridle seems a little too loose when we go out.

  I have seen that the family has been working with the backhoe and the ATVs in the other fields taking down trees, cutting them up and bringing the wood and brush back behind the big dirt pile and next to Bonnies house.  The skinny cousin with the Backhoe was driving around a bit to reckless while I was on Duke and came out of the road from the field near the trailers while I was on the road at the end of the dirt trailer road.  He was aimed right as us, I turned Duke toward him to make sure that Duke would\nt be scared. As the back hoe came closer the cousin accelerated and Duke was not happy with the feeling that he might not make the corner to turn on the driveway, it seemed like he was almost gunning for us as we were on the grass areas. I agreed with him but Duke made the decision to move along quickly in a sort of quick stepping way, sort of rearing and talking he wasn't happy. Hes not spooking but it ruined our peaceful walk.  They had the backhoe in high gear, loudly moving way-to-fast and seemed to be getting all over the engine, beeping and excellerating the engine loudly.  I went back to the arena and walked riding with Duke.  He had some issues keeping focused on the walking and tried to do some interesting stepping sideways toward the ailese.  I kept him out there in the arena.  H did some exercising and then I was pretty happy about his control in the field and also he was happy to work out after.  Kaylas and Kelly came to feed the horses.  As we worked out in the arena Duke could hear the oats landing loudly in the buckets.  He even saw that Kayla had placed his oats and dungre in the buckets but he was still walking the arena. I felt he did good so I let Duke know he did good, snacked him up and we went into his paddock to tacks his tack off. I took a picture because I was very happy with his listening to me and also cooperating keeping me safe.

  • Did some riding in the arena

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