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Saturday, December 22, 2018

Mid-December, too little time at the barn

Saturday Afternoon: Saturday cleaned the house like crazy and then left to go over to the later in the afternoon after doing so many chores at Marshalls, Homegoods, Wildbirds Unlimited and the Chelmsford Farmers Market (where I made a killing of fun stuff including fudge, cookies, wine tasking and wine club lobster and a head of romaine lettuce and more. I went over to the barn and it was pretty dark, Bonnie was gone already I did not stay long I think I only did a little. I remember the Perry's were there and they were talking about the office being messy. I will try and remember later. This weekend I had not seem Duke near as much as I should have seen him. Debbie and her husband were there and they had gotten on and ridden in the arena. I must have walked Duke a little bit. Ill try and remember later. When I first got to the barn, Bonnie and Krystyn were in the office and I went into talk before I went out with Duke.  I asked Krystyn about Duke's spooky ways and how hes been avoiding areas and all sorts of different things that he's been doing lately.  She said that she thinks its his vision maybe.  He might be when he walks near certain areas. near the equipment, near the edge of the woods, when the wind blows when things move that he cannot see hes the guy that gets a bit jumpy.  When I was with Liv Duke pulled back to not go to the equipment and the dirt hill.  There are many other places too. I want to list htem later.  Next week Kerrie will be at the barn and Krystyn is going to make sure that Duke gets his eyes checked for any blindness.  She has a scope she can use to look into his eyes and see if there is any cataracks.

Sunday night:  I went by at night to check in make sure that Duke was walked a bit or runned or exercised and to drop off his pills for his leg. As I was there I was running around with Duke to exercise him. June was with her horses with Conor and they were working with her horses Cisco and Africa.  They were in the stalls doing stuff really quick she said. When I told her that the horses hadn't gotten out today she was working with them in the stalls and she was going to go out into the arena.
Duke was os cute, when I came into the stall door, I cracked it a bit and grabbed his halter and he was so patient to put his face into the halter lowering his head down so I could close it over his chin and then he trotted out to the arena through th ailse by the other horses showing it was his turn to go into the arena to have some attention. He was walking proud.
Well I moved the barriors up and then started walking Duke.  June came to the edge as I was taking him in. She said that Dukes feet really looked like a quality job on this hoofs trimming and shoes. I told her that Dave Edmunds was the farrier and hes been doing his feet for a few years. 
She watehed me as I moved with Duke in the arena. I was working with liberty getting him to work with me on his own because he wants to be there because he wants to run where I ask him and to run around. As I was working with him he got really rambutious and kicked up his heels in the air.  He rolled so sweetly and actually got himself back over and back. The last part of swinging hisself back took so many tries that when he make it back over I was so proud. 
Then we played together and walked back and forth running. I got a lot of walking in a short amount of time.  Then back to the stalls we went. It was an excellent visit.

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