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Saturday, December 1, 2018

Short Visit walk snacks shampoo

So much mud raining for weeks and weeks.
When I got to the barn, I went right in and got Duke out of the paddock.  The mucky mud, each spot that the hoof leaves in the mud was filled with water too.  There is a pond in the paddock too. As I got there Krystyn was in the arena riding Kensey. She looked good all dressed up in her pants, helmet and English outfits.  She looks like a professional.
I wetn over the paddock area and started to whistle hoping that Duke would look over at me. He didn't but Cisco June's horse looked.  Hes a beautiful grey horse.  Well I was coming over to Doc and Duke and had 2 apples.
Something wonderful has happened in the paddock with Duke. I was having such a terrible time with Doc he would lean on me and I hated how he treated Duke. He would try and push Duke out of the way and run at him when I was getting him.  He made Duke go away from the gate. I hated this. And I complained to Bonnie so I know she knows how I feel. She at first said that he wasn't as bad as I thought and that there were times that Duke and Doc were friendly. I don't believe it.
The day I was there and Duke rolled in the paddock and that creepy Doc walked over to him to give him a back kick in the face.  Like it could have killed him. I then hated Doc, relly saw no improvement for months maybe a year. Then the strangest thing happened maybe this Fall late.  Somehow Doc has no interest in being a jerk to Duke. So I was beginning to bring him an apple.

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