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Saturday, October 1, 2022

2nd week with this sweet boy

Its getting colder, I only had to wear a flannel over my Zelda tShrt, Gave Patti a text or maybe she text
Im not sure that's how that's gong we throw it back and forth unless there is something that either of us need to know about the barn that day. Changes, horses leaving, someone saying something stall changes, money, missing stuff broken stuff dead animals.
Krystyn left Mr Beau's saddle out and it looks really pretty. I think that bridle is sort of crappy and needs some love and maybe replacement. His saddle pad is so bad that it may be considered trash.

Made progrèss with beau or Mr B.
He seemed to know I was there of him. I got his halter and cross tied him up. Patti said that Krystyn left out Beau saddle to try on and see if he was comfortable.  I slowly tacked him up. The bridle looks terrible looked kind of dirty and maybe rusted. Everything is so much smaller for Beau but he's still a good strong boy. I went  slow and put the pad on his back for a while then brushed off the saddle. Its really pretty.

I was starting to hear a bit more by talking to people about why Beau. Its like the progress with him stopped and it was sort of abandoned. June gave me an update on his hoofs. She let me know that his feet were infected. This was what is meant when Krystyn his feet are all screwed up. In my head I know, if this guys is going to be my horse, Ill need Dave Edmunds will be doin this feet. He's not giving me his foot in a good way, he's reluctant.
Th either behavior that is interesting is the he kicks his back leg to scratch his stomach in a quick sort of jarring way. He picks up his foot and kicks his stomach very quickly. I will want to make sure he's ok with bugs or what ever is making him do that I am staying in front of him for a while.

June  said that he bucked Krystyn and she said that was it. She hadn't had his feet done in a long time. June had trimmed his feet let me know that each one of them were infected. This is troubling. I am disappointed in how she just dumped him.
Anyway the progress is
  • brushed him out
  • hes not comfortable with his feet being picked
  • He knows me and it happy to work
  • Got his saddle on only, the bridle was there but not in good enough shape, so next time
  • the weight of putting it on did not bother him
  • he wore the saddle the whole time
  • when we turned around after crossties I went out the front, he's seemed not comfortable
  • came back in and started to walk in the arena
  • I had my crop but it was for no reason, I did not use it at all
  • He responded to my moves
  • Hes not a good stopper
  • he's great with the turns and also with the backing up, not seeming painful
  • his Hoe is not there yet.
  • We worked out for a while and he was happy to do it
  • we ended on a good note.
  • he had the saddle on the whole time
  • I sent a note to Krystyn and some of these pics too
    • Asked about his feet, 
    • Told her I was taking to June
    • Realized that he is worried about taking his feet.
    • He did  amazing Ground work but not as good as Duke but its gonna get pretty good.
    • Kry asked me if I rode him, I was taken back on her asking
      • LIke I should be asking her, When was the last time Beau was ridden?
      • Did I ride him . . .  Heck no!
    • We did , walk, stop, back up and his turns are great
    • Then after we were working for about 15 mins walking all around, He looked good, Im not going to use snacks in the arena like I did with Duke
    • we were able to enjoy eating grass at the back door of barn
  • We did a trot from one side to the other with a small turn
    • He was happy and he looked great
  • I picking up that he might be sensitive on his feet


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