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Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Been four months since he left . . .

That look when he would run toward me shaking his head so beautifully w/love 

 Most nights I tend to look at my collection of pictures videos and the deep memories of my boy. All of his things now helping Beau feel like better about his loss. Today I was especially thinking about how much I missed him. I read the note from Dr Katz about how severe his arthritis was in his neck and back. He was so sweet to me. How he would shake his head as he ran to ward me as we played. I tried so hard to keep him happy, safe, comfortable. He was such a speical guy. 

As I read the note from Katz, I realized jiust how much Duke did for me. He was having pain maybe issues and he would run run run to me and all around the arena. He had rolled just that week. Katz thought it was sort of impossible ocnsideirng his back and legs arthiris and his past injury in the paddock. 

god I loved him more than I even realieze. This year was tough as I went to Equine Affaire w/o his being in my head, looking at things that I wanted to provide to him. He has gone. 

I know he knew how much I loved him. you know that they do so muc fo ryou and overcome pain and even suffer just to recieve your love and please you.

How beautiful is that? You cannot measure that in a lifetime. We are so fortunage the ones wise enought to fill their lives with love for animals.

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