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Sunday, January 22, 2023

Sunday funday Best boy round penning, so proud

 Snowy day in the mid afternoon at Greenwood. Some of the horses were out but Beau, Sienna, Tucker and few more were in for the day. 

This guys really loves to run and have fun with me in the round pen. I will ask him to stop and come in and he stops and walks into tme. Im so proud of his control. Today he turned directions while in the open. So proud, I think I need to learn about how to do proper round pen with him. There are times we are working out and he stands and waits for direction. Very obiedeint but Im not really sure what to do next.

Patty was still there and June, Conor and Kristin were busy with their horses today.

Kristin is working long reining, June and Conor asked me if I wanted to get Beau into the arena before they went in with her boy. She mentioned working with me at the same time, I let her know that I would just round pen him for alittle while and it would be like less than 10min.

Kristin was so cute with Kinsey.

After she finished, I set up and brought Beau in. I wasnt sure if he would do good. June was telling me how happy she was for me about Beau. She commented to me how good I was with my connection with Beau and how we were progressing. She also mentioned how I worked with Duke. She thought that I had put on the horses goals that they could reach. I let her know I really appreciated the comment. She showed me a whole set of training tapes she gave to Kristie. She said that Iprob have everything. I really do not have anything. Its stuff I picked up be attending Equine Affiare, watching all of the semos and really taking it in.

Well after talking I went over and brought Beau in, decided t just do a few things, backing up and turning, then went into the round pen with my little   crop with the hay bail twine. Works like a charm.

He made me so proud, my neck hurts alot today, and Beau made it easy for me. Completely listinging to my directions. He even turned directios when I asked. Im in awe of him. Hes amazing. Then we walked and did some stops, June suggested some of the things that her and her horse had issues were is that when running and then asking to stop, that her horse woudd not do it quet right.

Beau did it pretty good.

I am so proud of that boy.

Krystyn came to do the feedings, I gave her the beautiful black and gold dressage pad, and asked if her student would want to use it. She said probably so I gave it to her for working with Joleit. Krystyn brought in the remainder of the horses that were out before she fed. 

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Round penning Great evening on beautiful snow covered Round penning

 Went over late today

It’s been so warm this winter but Thursday night we got tons of snow. It made it so hard to drive home w it’s Raychel from Hamilton in Boston, 

Krystyn was walking out from the dinner feeding. She was talkative and we talked a lot about stuff , my neck Beau the horses being grumpy Beaus getting better Raychel her boy Matthew even mentioned that Kristie was struggling. 

In the arena she was working out with Ajax seemed a bit frustrated. Beau was already fed and in the stall. It snowed again yesterday and last night so they were out in the wonderful air and snow for the day. Beaus still wearing his red blanket he looks great in it. Dr Katz is coming Monday we are goin to skip until my back is better. This week Beaus nose running and the coughing went down. The zertec worked. We worked out in the area a after I hit him in. I was goin to do the walking got my special crop with the hay nail twine and we were off.

This boy may have ran more if I had let him. I need soem more skills with him in the round pen. Lunging seems like a drag but this round penning and turning if very exciting.

He loves the running. It’s all he did while flirting with June’s horse.

Took a pic of my crop and added hay bail twine and Beau responds as if it is a dressage whip

So cool he even responded to my hands directing him. Very proud of him. 

Tuesday brought Zyrtec


Last week Saturday Val, Sunday

 Last week

SUNDAY: Cold out we went into the outdoor where the girls area, and we played around walking in the area for a while, I hadnt stayed for long just enough to get him out and about outside. I got him and moved he doesnt move as much as me. Working, with Beau is so much different than working with Duke. Duke was my sweet friend, and I know that he loved me I felt his love. 

I remember when Duke and I were out in the forest, walking around and talking. At the post, Then he was not completely, my boy like he was a greenwood. But he was very horsey. On the post, pulling off the lead line, not listening but then so stable on the trails, my boy.  Never jerked away, never ran away jerked my hand. 

SATURDAY:  Val and me, it was a short visit, not too much

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Beau took off while on lead line walking w/me, paddock is terrible


-Weird day really
-The paddocks are getting worse and worse
-I had to get over there early because I had an appt with Raychel for a facial at 215
Beau really wanted "OUT" of his padddock, I really hate that he was moved because of some new friend
Beau got dumped into a shameful paddock, really bad and I think that Muke doesnt even have one now
Well I got him out and he seemed pretty regular Beau
=We did a few walk backwards and some turns, I was looking forward to doing something
-Maybe round pen
--Patty and Sienna were looking really good in the arena, Patti said that Kerri was able to get a look at --  - Sienna's leg and it was looking fine, keep doing what they are doing
-When I came down around the corner, Krystyn was already going down the street with the baby 1/2 way to the house. I was going to talk to her but there are days she is un approachable
-Well I am  walking down he ailse looking to walk in the arena with Sienna and Beau pulls hard like a BOLTs int his stall. Really weird. Well I let him in and give him some crap
After a while I go into Beaus stall and try and do his hoofs, still hes kinda a dick to me about his feet. Im beginning to feel I want to come down on him for it
Well we take a walk and out to the barn onto the road, its nice we are walking on the snow, I wanted to take a pic but just chilled out.
I decided to turn back at the first bump in the road, turned around and Beau seemed a little strange
He was totally caught up.
He saw the dog at the trailer, the german Shepard, and he just sort of acted like a jerk
Pulled on my lead, and bolted again back to the barn, straight to the ladies. it was weird
Patti and I were talking that maybe one of the mares was in heat but really Beau was a jerk
well he went over to their fence and they both jumped up with him, I think it was joliet and Kinsey but I cant tell
they rise together making crazy horse sounds and he does it again and again
The man that was riding came out ot meet me because they saw Beau lose
I saw Bonnie concerned look too.
I told them that everything was ok that Beau just broke free like a jerk and ran to the mares fence.
I felt kinda defeated, I grabbed him and put him into his stall.
He really didnt want to be n the paddock, too cold on his feet
Plus he was in a bad mood, jerky boy for sure
After he was in the stall he calmed down, I wanted to be mad at him but instead I just did my chores, cleaned up and left for the day
Then go to talk to Patti, Bonnie is doing water
I talk for like 10 min,