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Sunday, July 23, 2023

Mid 80s humid, buggy, Beau had a sore front leg + barn drama

 I texted back to Patti I was on the way it was like almost 1pm. As I pulled up Bonnie was talking to Kristin Mc as she packed up trash into the little truck they are using. I sat in the car and got my stuf together. It was mostly an apple, 2 applesauces. Not too many snacks, but I was still thinking that I can still work him and just really share my apple <3. It worked. He was sort of favoring his left front leg.

I went out to his paddock and he was ready to come in, he speaks to me with his sweet horse voice. Hes grumpiy going out there. I had a hard time opening the gate, its weird who ever put the chain on made it really tight so there is no slack. I struggled with it. Finally got it unlatched, and Beau was happy to help me  with the gate and get out to the long buggy grass where he would graze.

He looked like he was not going to be a good listener, he tripped on the way out.of the paddack, he grazed aggressively but stil was we walked he listened. 

He was doing pretty good. Patty had taken Sienna and was giving her.a bath,  Aurora was fully dressed, in riding clothes.  She had brought in Rowan and seemed to be trying to tack him up and work him sort of quickly. 

I was doing some walking with Beau because he wasnt doing  as well as other daysl. I heard lots of bumping from her in total about 3 times there was a loud sound and then you could tell that Rowan was moving around abruptly. At one point i saw aurora strike hin on his face. I know that there is no need for that. When I saw that she seemed to have no control over what was happening

She struck him in the face. he seemed to rear up a few times.

I told her if she needed anything to let me know. she said she was good.

than I saw Rowan act uncomfortable with her actions.

i did see her strike him. I thought that maybe she should have gotten out of the barn.

Every time she had an altercation. Beau jumped and was upset by there interactions.

I was starting to fee  uncomfortable with her working him this way, too harsh

Then on the 3rd altercation, I heard the big band ad he was reared up after ther interacton

I was very disappointed and did not go hear her.

She was very update, said she hated him adn thathes going on the truck.

It is really sad.

I saw him rear up and break the cross ties off, aone of those clips was on th cross tie and he was qlso tried by his leqad line that Auroroa put as a tie on th emetal on the door fter talking to her later she explained tht he needed the 

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