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Saturday, July 22, 2023

Sweet little hummingbird today

 Really special day today at the barn, I was fooling around in the arena with Beau as usual, and I always watch the birds flying around. There are a few differnt types that like to fly into the barn rafters.

Today like any other day, but up at the peak of the roof, there was an especially small bird with a strange shape. I stopped what were were working on and started to study this small bird. I figured out that with the small beak like that is was a hummingbird, what the heck. she was trying to get out of the barn by flying against a roof window. I saw that she was wrapped up tight with lots of extra cob webs from the barn's interiors.

There was a small 3 inch materials hanging from the hummingbird. I felt really bad, I showed Patti the place in the barn where the bird was bumping over and over the windows.
I was fortunate enough today to hold a little female hummingbird in my hand as she was tangled in some debris at the barn and fell from the rafters as Beau, Patti and I were watching her.
She let me help her, untangle her from the tight wrapped string like materials and released her into the air from my hands.
it was an amazing experience.
here is a picture of a female hummingbird like the one that I helped today. She was so beautiful, it was an amazing experience. ❤

She was trying so hard. I got back to working with Beau, I imagined if I hopened the big back sliding door that the hummingbird would see the light, feel the breezes and head out. I was not as worried as I should have been.

I kept looking at the barn rafters.  Noticed that she had coem to the edge maybe starting to try and get out another way. 

I was wrong she was totally wrapped up tight and was giving out.

She dropped suddently to the wood endge, I ran over to her and Beau stayed in the center wondering what was going on, he slowly followed me after a while to see what we were doing.
I saw that she was really frail and breathing heaving, it was scary i thought she may die. She was wrapped up and also the 3 inch piece of maerial like cob was almost tied to her leges and bodiy. If I had pulled a bit it was going to pull her legs off. And there was amost a line with strenth tied around her body, her wings. hwas completely tangled in a strong string like web. The strands were extra thick.

I took my fingernail and started to sort of cut away at the dangling materials from her tail. i took off about 4 different pieces to try and get most of it w/o her being hurt.

I started to see her face, she was scared, but saw I was helping her. At first I had a small cone on her so she would not fly away, then I realized she really could not too weak and took tied up.

after getting most of the webs off of her, and using my nail to cut throgh the web string that was tied sort of around her whole body including wings.

I cupped her in my heands and went to the big door to try to release her.

I gently moved toward the ground to set her on a plant.
she fell a bit and I noticed that although she was roughed up, her wing were completely intact.
I lifted her up again and tried to see if she was strong enough She tried her wings and popped up out of my heands, so beautiful, 
flu up into the sky and away quickly, seemed amost strong. I prayed she got some nector soon.

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